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A NYC term which is used during fights (real or video game) where one party is literal beating the shit out of the other party with ease. Also the victim does not lay a finger or does minimal damage to the abuser.

Playing Fight Night

Person A: Yo wtf man your whalin on me with Ali nigga
Person B: Stfu been getting you ass whupped for 7 straight rounds for using Roy Jones

by Skip from NYC January 11, 2009

4👍 33👎

Whalin' Jennings

Da little-known "evil twin" to da famous and well-loved silky-throated county-music singer; he was always sneaking around trying to poach large finned sea-mammals when either the IWC or Greenpeace wasn't looking.

In the Steven Seagal film, "On Deadly Ground", the chief villain is named "Jennings" and his business is oil, so I wonder if this hombre was actually the infamous Whalin' Jennings, and he had simply switched to dishonestly going after crude oil after the "natural" kind became too legally-rasky to come by.

by QuacksO January 27, 2020