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White Claw

A legendary set of three waves that travel across oceans, with gnarly crests that combine to create a mondo wave to end all waves. Itโ€™s a thing of radical beauty, but donโ€™t try surfing it unless you want crisp sea spray to the face.

Dude: Bro! Did you see J Last week?
Bro: Naw, what up doh?
Dude: Bro, he ate it trying to ride that white claw!

by beastbrohank June 3, 2016

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Claw

n. Your cum-covered right hand as you left-hand navigate the internet after you climax and close your porn browser, but are too lazy to move.

Sweating slightly, Scinju shamefully hunched over his faptop with a sticky white claw. He was caught between the desire to continue surfing social media and the knowledge that he needed to move before his legs fell asleep. He wouldn't want his roommate to walk in on him in this truly compromised position, unable to escape due to the pins and needles.

by heaintright October 10, 2019

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Clawed

When a normally mild-mannered soccer mom has a rare night without a game, she may tend to throw down a handful or two of the eponymous hard sodas, thereby exhibiting atypical behavior. Commonly in the form of erotic folk dancing, burping contests or firing on step dads.

"Dood! Did you see Tyler's mom at the block party last night? All dancing in the cul-de-sac and shit. Where did she even get that tambourine? Totally White Clawed up."

by Mitch Kumstien June 8, 2019

White claw

Aside from the popular drink, a white claw is when you horizontally spray 5 cum spurts across ones face.

i swung my hips and gave her a white claw.

by Fillcolons August 28, 2019

53๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

White claw

White claw is a carbonated low calorie alcohol beverage for underage basic bitch white girls who canโ€™t handle there liquor, therefor drink white claw so they can get #whitegirlwasted while still watching there figure

Hey josh look thereโ€™s some basic bitches drinking white claw

by Skylarch99 December 15, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

White claw

A slang term Commonly used in reference to the penis or the taking of a penis. Often used as code in bars by men actively looking to pleasure or be pleased by other men

In last nights Xbox party Dustin proclaimed he was 6 white claws deep to which will replied no wonder youโ€™re walking funny

by CrashLenox March 1, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

White claw lesbian

The type of girl (typically in a sorority) to drink half a white claw and have sex with a sorority sister and wake up in the morning and never speak of the night again in fear of rejection.

Dude I think amber fucked tammylin last night at that party. Tammylin told me amber ghosted her after they woke up in bed together. I think theyโ€™re white claw lesbians

by Kindergore April 15, 2021