A wiccan is someone who clearly doesn't understand that Urban Dictionary is meant to be funny, and makes entries trying really really hard to make sure everyone knows how PEACEFUL AND LOVING WICCA IS and HOW THEY AREN'T REALLY SATAN WORSHIPERS, SRSLY. This is true of course, as Wiccans worship dirt and trees rather than the devil. They also think they can perform magic.
Most Wiccans know very little about their religion. They are attracted to it because it claims to be peaceful, yet they are unaware that it's largely based on ancient Celtic religions that used to burn people alive as sacrifices. They also lack the logic to see that not all religions can be true, so it makes very little sense to borrow from a ton of them.
The Wicca religious population is made up mostly of fat women and angsty teenagers with semi-goth style and a longing for attention. Many like to go to school wearing their ceremonial robes, which are actually strictly made for formal occasions according to Wiccans who actually know stuff. They thrive on people looking at them funny, so they can chuckle to themselves about how ignorant they are or go and yell at them for being "narrow minded bigots." They're also ridiculously politically correct about themselves and will get extremely offended by just about anything (like Halloween), but won't hesitate to insult other religions like Christianity or Judaism.
In short, Wicca is a stupid fad which should die out soon enough.
"What's with that girl over there? She's fat, wears robes, looks like a goth, and is going on about magic and Edward Cullen and some horned god. She also thinks magic is spelled with a 'k'."
"Oh, that's just Margaret the Wiccan."
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Well, I've been reading this stuff and I'm never refering any of my friends to this site again because of ignorant people. I found some to piss me off. Thank God that I have youtube or I'd still be nuts. I might be Wiccan, but I'm studying so I don't know yet. But what I do know is that I will deubunk each and every screwed up theory you people have here. Exceptions are the first few posts.
"A silly religion that involves angsty teenagers buying lots of overpriced and useless equipment."
I personally don't believe in buying runes and setting up an alter, but most of it is for a visualization process. If you can see it, it's easier. Just don't go blowing all your money on stuff your heart gives you people. But brooms are used to visualise clearing the room of negative energy. I think you could get a broom for like 2 dollars at a Home and Garden store and it works fine. Plus, you'll have a clean room. And wands are used to poin energy. All you need is a finger. Most of the stuff people buy, you can use with your own heart. It just speeds up the visualization process.
C: So you like spells and stuff?
Just because someone loves the Harry Potter fantasy doesn't make them able to do spells and crap. If they claim to, and base their religion on HP or some TV show, they're usually Fluffy Bunny Wiccans who will probably abandon the religion when they find out it's not all about casting spells and just connecting with nature "Eww I just like Buffy! I hate icky dirt and slime mold!"
"1. "Hey, Bob, wanna go out and get drunk and get some pussy?"
"Sorry, dude, no can do. I'm Wiccan."
Just because you're Wiccan does not mean you can't go and enjoy your sex life. They don't shun sexual things like other religions because it's completely natural.
L: Oh, it's raining. The water spirits must be happy.
P: No, it's probably because the percipitation in the atmosphere is so condensed that it falls."
Oh PULEASE... *rolls eyes* People would have to be stuck under a rock and have no education to believe the "water spirits" you are speaking of are making it rain. Wiccans are close to nature. Wiccans aren't stupid. We believe in the Earth's natural laws and love the spirit which is inside of it not the thing itself.
"2. "Hey, let's go burn potions in the woods and bury bags of burnt shit for luck!"
"But isn't that almost paganistic?"
"No, we'll just call ourselves Wiccan."
That doesn't make any sense and is completly idiotic. Wiccans are not like that and the only luck you get is what you give your self.
"Totally made up religion conceived of by drugged out 60's hippes who were into Tolkien and D&D!
The religion of militant lesbians."
The religion was around longer than you were born. So how could it be made by drugged out hippies? It's an old religion. Dating back farther than Christianity and other major religions. And as for homosexuals, the religion conciders it not to be bad and so do I. But just because they are in the religion does not make them gay.
Well that's about all I can say about you mislead people. I don't know what fairy doors are. O_o But I certainly know that Wicca is a very accepting religion on alot of subjects. If any of you all want any resources to see it isn't the "devils spell" (like we believe in devils or hell) go to Wicca.com or just search around. Take what feels right to you and leave the rest behind. That is how any belief should be picked out.
Wicca: I love animals, trees and looking up into the sky at night because every part of life has a spark of the divine in it.
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A form of Witchcraft, to where it's followers worship a Goddess and God, as well as the essence of Nature. Otherwise known as Wicca, Wiccans, Pagans, or Witches.
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A religion formed by charlatans in the mid-Twentieth Century suggesting it was a continuation of lost Druid-style teachings, which no one really knows that much about as it was passed on verbally. Currently adhered to by attention-seeking girls and guys that can't get lucky without compromising their integrity by pretending to adhere to it, as well.
"There are no true male Wiccans."
"Wicca is to religion what Kwanza is to holidays."
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A religious movement invented circa 1954 by Gerald Gardner who fraudulently claimed it was an ancient witch cult which honours nature, it is in fact based on Freemasonry.
Wicca is now a worldwide movement, its rituals are non-descript, often made up on the spot and frequently bastardising religions and/or Gods from other cultures and/or parts of history.
Wicca also possesses a heavy left winguncurrent, the adherents of the religion tend to be marxist or at least socialist even if they are unaware of what left wing political ideals actually are.
Wicca: pretending to be an ancient religion since 1954
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A fairly new religion created by Gerald B. Gardner. One can practice Wicca without the spells and only devote themselves to spiritual study and worship. Wiccans worship both God and Goddess. There are many traditions of Wicca like Dianics, Hereditary etc. and many claim to be the authentic. Gerald B. Gardner's tradition claims,"In order for one to be Wiccan, they must be initiated into a coven."
Wicca is not an old religion. It is only *50* years old. Wicca is not the *Old Religion*. The old religion is something completely different.
"Okie, let's get down on our knees and pray!!"
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Something that could be one of the biggest cash cows in the world if it organized itself.
( Seriously... magic? Forest rituals? Now THAT'S some good-assed marketing potential.)
If there were a Wiccan store in a mall or something, kids would just eat it right up.
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