When an item or person no longer functions as it is meant to. Often used in reference to drinking and it's effects on the body.
"Holly shit, man, I drank so much I'm totally j'd"
"This piece of shit car is j'd"
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The act of being beyond drunk. Drunker then you could be if you tried.
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When you are all out of semen (or jizz).
"Shawty, I'd love to. But I'm all j'd out"
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A shortening of the ever-popular catch phrase "I jizzed in my pants."
Korean #1: Hey I heard StarCraft 2 is coming out in late 2009.
Korean #2: Yeah, when Blizzard announced that, I j'd in my p's.
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To twist you ankle violently while walking on a relatively flat grade. This is followed by falling to ground and cursing profusely.
"Dude, what's wrong"
"I just fuckin j'd my ankle"
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Getting J'd is when everyone repeated screams "J" while slapping someone.
"C'mon, let's go J him!"
"Aw damnit, I don't wanna get J'd!"
Michael J. Fox is a famous actor with Parkinson's disease, which causes uncontrollable tremors. Imagine the struggles Michael J. Fox faces on a daily basis while trying to pour a glass of orange juice or pour milk over his cereal - this is the essence of what it means to "Michael J" something.
Michael J'ing is when you miserably fail at performing an action that requires a basic level of physical adeptness/dexterity, and usually results in the catastrophic destruction of an important item, or project.
Frank: Hey, Jimbob, be careful carrying two bowls at once you don't want to dr-
*drops bowls of stew all over freshly cleaned carpet*
Jimbob: Woops
Frank: God dammit, Jimbob, you michael j'd the fuck out of my carpet! I just cleaned this shit!