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The Worst

A term used for describing someone who is more than just very attractive

"Look at that girl over there she is bad."

"No, she's way past bad, she's the worst."

by Realnickp22 December 20, 2018

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The worst

Definition of worst

1: Greg. The most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill his worst fault - deceptive and manipulative; Greg is beyond an asshole.

2a :most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painfully your worst enemy. He is a twat waffle. Douche bag at his finest.

b :most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived has the worst table manners - Greg picks his nose

c :least skillful or desirable theworst person ever

3:most wanting in quality, value, or condition the worst results

superlative of bador of ill

โ€” the worst person ever, EVER.

Greg B. is the worst person I know.

by Luuuucy November 15, 2017

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The Worst

1. someone who makes poor decisions and pretends to be a good person when, in reality, they suck at life

Jon called Rory to tell her how great his life was going after he cheated on her while he was living at her parents' house; he literally is the worst.

by LynZay November 21, 2015


used by itself without nouns or adjectives. commonly said when something you dislike occurs.

you just spilled juice on your new top.."ugh..WORST!!"

by ksmall July 8, 2005

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The Worst

When you have hit rock bottom by choice and inflict this upon those around you however you can.

Joseph: "Hey Ben - Have you had a chance to transfer me that money from the rainbow beach trip?"
Ben: "Yeah Nah."
Everyone: "Damn Son, Ben is the worst"

by Shit or hurl. October 10, 2017

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1) the least good
2) the most ungood

by tranquil_demon September 6, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

The worst

A sorry excuse for a person. Usually a narcissist. Might like to take selfies in the gym. Always complains about how NOTHING is their fault.

Wow, she's literally the worst human alive.

by burnbook07 October 7, 2018