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Wyoming is a chunk error in the US.

Person1: have you heard of Wyoming, the chunk error?
Person2: oh yeah, the thing in the US

by Schilistan April 19, 2020

25👍 1👎


Does not exist.

Wyoming does not exist.

by tapulele June 29, 2020

40👍 3👎


verb: to wiggle like a worm

girl 1: look at him

girl 2: what’s he doing?
girl 1: he’s...he’s wyoming

by imnotrunningforpresident February 27, 2020


A mythical land no one has ever been to, but everyone believes still exists. It allegedly has a population of 1 person along with half of the world's buffalo. About as famous as Nebraska or New Hampshire.

In reality, Wyoming is just Colorado's shadow.

Person: Hey Siri, How do I get to Wyoming?
Siri: Did you mean "Colorado"

by Philip, Duke of Parma November 3, 2022

28👍 3👎


“Wyoming” is supposedly the 44th state of the US. With an alleged 2008 population of just over 500,000 people, it is seen as a quiet and relatively peaceful country-esque vibe. However, do not be fooled but the textbooks, Wyoming does not exist. There is a temporal oddity under active investigation by “ Der Dummkopf” agents as once state lines have been crossed, agents are sent to seemingly the early 1800s Montana. Taking a look at surveys of over 20,000 people per every major city in the US, subjects have reported that about 0.02% of the population knows anyone from “Wyoming” or has “family” that lives there. Those that say they are from there have been investigated and found to be intimately connected with the NSA’s propaganda department. Furthermore, bank records trails suggest a cover-up op to deter investigators of the conspiracy from seeing direct payments for these services, often disguised as simple jobs under private and public companies’ names. Geological experiments conducted by the agency have so far been impossible as once proper precaution is taken to bypass the temporal ring formed at the state lines, it has been discovered that an empty black void is all that exists beyond. To date, 17 researchers have fallen into the void, unable to be retrieved and presumed dead.

Log Entry #107 Excerpt by Dr. Arschkrieker:
“It is impossible to determine the nature of the void that citizens consider ‘Wyoming’ due to inability to traverse it while also bypassing the temporal ring... attempts to pass drones or F-seed personnel connected to Ariadne’s thread is met with temporal traversal and irreversible assimilation into the void, respectively... When my assistant peered in without fully going in, she could not feel anything, so the anomalous void has physical effects, yet no physical form... Suggestions of dark matter have been made, but current understanding believes it cannot react with regular matter in a fashion like the assimilation we observe... truly the existence of Wyoming is false... but whatever lies in that space instead... is uncertain.”

by PP long boy June 2, 2020

16👍 1👎


A cult. This is evident whenever you go into the post office, Safeway, etc. and 90% of people are wearing shirts, hats and jackets saying "Wyoming." Everyone in Wyoming wears only Wyoming clothing and no one in any other state ever wears a "Wyoming" anything.

I went into the grocery store in Cheyenne, and I was the only one there who wasn't wearing something that said "Wyoming."

by uytur September 2, 2010

362👍 88👎


Possibly the most ignored unpopulated state in America.

Wyoming? Where the fuck is Wyoming?

by Alicia July 1, 2003

1769👍 503👎