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yankees fan

n; a front runner, a cocky homo loving(jeter) loser who "likes" the yankees so he has a chance to indentify with the glory and victory he will never achieve in his own life.

a snobby rich stock broker who knows nothing about baseball yet sits front row all season long who sneers at anyone who beats the yankees, parading yankees history as his own feat saying, " 26 championships" a glorified version of " scoreboard"

by webster October 15, 2003

208πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

yankee fan

Pompous Jackass who think that they know something about baseball.
See douche bag

Justin Oshea is a yankee fan

by Tarken Destroyer of Worlds April 15, 2011

31πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Yankee fan

Definition; Yankee fan: A person grown in the bustling city of New York and was taught the ways of the yankees. These views of course are completely wrong and should in fact, be banned from the united states as it has been proven that being a yankees fan can lead to the following; Death, serious dissapointment, chronic seizures and nosebleeds, (due to the fact if you punch them they are to weak to cope with the fact someone DOESN'T like them) and paralysis.

Yankee fan

by I-peed-on-yankee-stadium April 16, 2010

33πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Yankees Fan

Fat Pig.

"Hey don't invite the Yankees fans over, they'll eat all the food"

by ekt8750 June 5, 2009

63πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Yankees fan

1. A greaseball from the slums of the bronx that wears a wife-beater and claims he is italian despite making his β€œpasta” with prego or ragu sauce. He claims to be a yankee supporter so he has a chance to identify with the glory and success they have achieved, because he knows he will never achieve self fulfillment by himself. 2. A snobby stock broker who doesnt know what a sac fly is, yet sits behind home plate every game claiming to be a diehard fan yelling slurs at bostonians for simply existing. Takes the entire rivalry way too far, openly supporting dzhokhar tsarnaev for sticking it up to beantown. And finally 3. A random child from anywhere in the world who is a fair weather fan and a bandwagon who wont cheer his local purely because they are losing. He is not popular at school, has pimples, is tubby, weak, unattractive, mentally slow, and wants to feel like a winner so he relies on the success of the yankees to feel good about himself despite the fact hes a closeted homosexual.

Hey thats jimmy hes that fat kid who always gets picked last cause hes a yankees fan

β€œHe looks gross”

by Notthatbitchkaleigh August 8, 2022

Yankees Fans

Quite possibly may be the biggest reason for the economic success of the New York Yankees. The Yankees fans pride themselves on being "hardcore" and virulently support the "Evil Empire" year after year, wearing the hats and buying the jerseys. The one problem with Yankees fans is the fact that every single gang-banger in the United States supports this "business" of a baseball team by buying their hats or placing them in the back of their Cadillac Escalade/Buick Regal/generic hood ride. One other problem with Yankees fans is that worldwide they are known to be a group of yuppies that honestly get behind a team that always wins because of it's tactics at buying its championships. Generic sounding rappers and DJ's also fit into the sub category of Yankees' followers. When one turns on BET, one sees the same style of video with former-future gangbanger-drug slinger trying to dodge bullets/dance wearing a black/red/white Yankees hat. Completely void of originality is a typical Yankees fan, relying on the "frontrunning" that probably 80% of Yankees fans do.

Yankees Fans wouldn't show up if the Yankees sucked, but that's not going to happen, if $teinbrenner and Ca$hman keep buying their Series for their fellow "Noo Yawkaz"

by Johnny hates NOVA May 9, 2006

105πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

yankees fan

The most intelligent and rabid of all baseball fans. The hatred other fans have for them is masked franchise envy from which they will never get over even after an afterlife of therapy.

That guy really knows baseball it makes sense he's a yankees fan.

by zippogun May 19, 2007

89πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž