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Okay, goodbye, Edan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the good times we've had. However, I truly hate you--like, I absolutely hate your fucking guts

One of the greatest insults of all time. Originally said by Johnathan Andrew Wicker, Junior on June, 18, 2019

Johnathan said this to Edan, "Okay, goodbye, Edan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the good times we've had. However, I truly hate you--like, I absolutely hate your fucking guts," Edan killed himself shortly after

by the milk man667 June 13, 2019

22👍 7👎

You Absolute Soggy Flannel

1: Used generally to call someone an idiot or a bit stupid

2: If you say "you have the personality of a soggy flannel" basically means youre dry asf and you need to have a bit more personality babes xox

1: Youre so bad at obbys, you absolute soggy flannel

2: I was talking to him last night and honest to god he was like a soggy flannel

by CalpolInhaler June 4, 2023