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You Know Your Right

The best Nirvana song ever created, this is the last song that Kurt Cobain made and people say its his goodbye.

Thing have never been so swell I have never felt this well...

by George April 15, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

right your mother right

Chinese slang meaning "I strongly disagree".

Similarly you can apply this - your mother - pattern to almost all words. Parents may say "Go to bed. Play your mother play!" to express that they are seriously annoyed by the kid's staying late playing video games.

Alice: "He is right. Trump is indeed a gentleman."

Bob: "Right your mother right."

by TheTigerlily April 9, 2020

83๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

right your mother right

It's totally fucking wrong, you idiot.

--Yes, Chinese virus is right.
--Right your mother right.

by zirc March 17, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your other right

For little kids and dumbasses, it a saying to mean when you raise your left hand when asked for your right, to tell them to change to the other hand.

Teacher: Kids, raise your right hand!

(Billy raises his left hand.)

Teacher: Billy, your other right.

by Sunkissed95 March 20, 2010

62๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

4 fingers up on your right hand

four fingers up on your right hand mean u like girls with their name starting with a Z

Bro put 4 fingers up on your right hand to signal that u like someone special

by Blocka 123 May 7, 2022

Your absolutely right

1. What 'you're absolutely right' looks like when you say it sarcastically to someone who's probably giving you advise you've probably heard (and ignored) multiple times before, or they just don't know what they're talking about.

2. Your idea of what's right. Your ideology. Your NORMVL.

3. Derived from /you're absolutely right/, just without the apostrophe and the 'e', which turns it into "your", which suggests ownership, so 'Your' idea of what's 'absolutely right'. "My absolutely right".

Dude 1: Bru I think if you made just one trap song, just one, I promise people will really mess with your stuff.

Dude 2: Oh yeah! Damn, your absolutely right Dude 1!

by Lwansta April 4, 2018

Your other right

A phrase said to a moron who does not know their right from their left.

I told Johnny to raise his right hand so he could be sworn in to testify in court. Johnny raises his left and I tell him your other right.

by nottheguywhocarriesthepebble August 1, 2013

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