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A Lotta Bit

As opposed to 'a little bit', "A LOTTA BIT" expands the value of a specified term to a greater extent.

Ricardo: How much you miss that trick, a little bit?
Johnson: Nah B, a Lotta bit.

by NECKNOTMINE January 26, 2009

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lotta dick

Quick way to communicate girth measurement

Lotta dick is a universal safety word

by Tonythetiler February 6, 2021


An abundance of. Extra. Plenty of.

I got a whole-lotta problems to deal with.

by SteadyMerc January 27, 2019

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notta lotta

Nothing is happening. (Response to "What's up?")

"Yo, Dude! What's up?"
"Notta lotta"

by mashie bluechip April 23, 2008

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Someone who poops a lot.

My boyfriend poops-a-lotta.

by KS80021 June 15, 2013

Lotta Leadpipe

Roller Debry Skater on the NOtown Roller Derby team; #1085

"Boy that Lotta Leadpipe sure can kick some ass!"

by Lotta#1085 March 31, 2009

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Dirty lotta

When you have sex with your girlfriend and she squeezes your nippels so hard that they turn blue.

I had a dirty Lotta yesterday, I can't feel my nippels anymore

by Damndavidgirl May 8, 2020

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