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white way out

another way to say The easy way out

Adam: John gave in his report last minute and got a 65.

James: Wow, that's what happens when u take the white way out.

by SuperAfroManXD November 20, 2009

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#2 way out

Suicide in class. You stick a #2 pencil as far up your nose as you can and then slam your head on the desk.

"Dave took the #2 way out in Math last week!"

by tacticalcornfield August 7, 2017

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That's all the way out

When something is completely unacceptable or not okay

"He played the game without me, that's all the way out."

by MiaMimi123 February 16, 2022

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take the coward's way out

to kill oneself;

When faced with financial disaster, Sarah took the coward's way out. I can't believe that Bill would take the coward's way out. His death must have been an accident.

by arsarode September 30, 2015

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OK your way out

Press the OK button repeatedly untill all windows are closed and you completely exited the program/service.

A term often used in tutorials involving the Microsoft Windows collection of operating systems, where the user may find him self spending most of their time pressing ok/apply/cancel/yes/no.

Now ok your way out." This term is often followed up by the line "You may need to reboot at this stage.

by albenza September 2, 2010

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Taking The Easy Way Out

1. The act of using the simplest solution to a problem, whether or not it's the best one.

2. The act of committing suicide. Generally used (along with other euphemisms) in various settings to avoid using the word "suicide" in any context, because it triggers some people.

After going through a series of traumatic events and losses, Bill decided that taking the easy way out would be his only option.

by Someone who kinda exists June 3, 2022

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Take The Only Way Out


Did you know that it's a crime to attempt suicide? It's getting harder and harder for people to Take The Only Way Out.

by squishy nuts October 13, 2008

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