to start doing something, epiphanetically realize that it's meaningless and/or retargerous, then aborting your project because you don't to suffer the subsequent negative consequences.
if, without engineering knowledge, you are going to build a electric chair in your basement, you better be prepared to abort an aberration
I'm not going to pretend it isn't aberrant. If you won't acknowledge that it's happening I will murder a kid.
Hym "You know this is an aberrant phenomenon that you wouldn't want for yourself. It isn't self inflicted. And your kids absolutely deserve to get murdered over it. So, who is it going to be? I don't have to just get uses to it. You'd better get used to your kids getting fucked and murdered if that's how you're going to be about."
W hike doing something, to realize, through an epiphany, that it is meaningless/ retargerous, and therefore abandon the project before it turns into Frankenstein
I'd rather abort an aberration than go travelling round the world like gypsies and pirates