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Adequately sausaged

Simply put, it's when someone has had a satisfying sexual experience,

'Hey Ben, how was your night with that girl?'
'She was adequately sausaged , mate! she was adequately sausaged indeed! *insert fist bump .. or high five ... or a similar celebratory action*

by M3gnificent November 8, 2017

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adequate asshole

Ad·e·quate Ass·hol
/ˈadikwit/ /ˈasˌhōl/
- Noun

-The male version of Basic Bitch-

self-centered male who lacks the mental capacity to carry a decent conversation without talking about sports, cars or workout.

Benedict is such an adequate asshole, all he talked about was himself for fifteen minutes.

by Hack my Jack July 9, 2014

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Fundamentally Adequate Quintessentials

what tøp thinks FAQ stands for

Tyler: a lot of people think FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, but it actually stands for...

Josh: ...Fundamentally Adequate Quintessentials

by a clikkie May 5, 2019

hey, that's mildly adequate!

A phrase used when you want to give someone props for something that isn't even "pretty good", but isn't quite bad either. It's just barely passable, and therefore "mildly adequate"

Ben: "What do you think?"

Tom thinks to self: Well, it wasn't that good, but it wasn't bad...

Tom: "Hey, that's mildly adequate!"

by YupIGuessSo May 18, 2017

Adequate Player Combo

In Halo 2 or 3, the dual wielding of a plasma rifle and an SMG. The name derives from the Noob Combo, which in the Plasma pistol and SMG, but it is not nearly as cheap. Thus you went from being a "Noob" to an "Adequate Player." This was much more true for Halo 2, where the name was originated, but it still is true and carried over to Halo 3.

Adequate Player: "Oh man, I just buttraped those 2 guys with my Adequate Player Combo."

Nublet: "L0L, 1 jus7 pwn3d 7h47 goay w17 me zup3r m4n cl0mb1fa710n!"

by Patriotic Kitty July 14, 2009

adequate health care

An urban legend of the USA.

Man, I've heard of adequate health care. It'd be so cool if it was real!

by The Kid Queen September 22, 2009

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John Q. Adequate

Exellence incarnate.

JQA is the hottest, toughest, smartest and coolest stoner/journalist ever. Also, highly articulate and the proud owner of the most voluminous pen0r this side of the Atlantic.

Boy, you pimpin' like John Q. Adequate!


My mother was so glad to see me, as if I were John Q. Adequate himself!

by Borat April 13, 2005

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