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Contrary to most falsehood and lies put out here, akata isn't a Yoruba word, isn't in Yoruba lexicon and was never coined by the Yoruba people of nigeria, we do not take pride in coining derogatory terms for our fellow African Americans, Akata is an Igbo word coined by the Igbo people of south east nigeria (igboland), akata is also a place in Imo state south east nigeria (igboland). It's a term used by Igbo auther chinua Achebe and now used by Igbo americans as a derogatory term against African American women. Research for yourself on the words and origins and don't just rely on falsehood posted on the internet to covertly promote anti-yoruba sentiments.

Emeka called the African American woman an akata simply because she wouldn't act like his docile African wife.

by Techbro May 25, 2021

4👍 27👎


Akata in Yoruba means foreigner
The meaning however increased during colonialism to stray cat or fox and was used to refer to white people ( white bitch)
The word was never created to insult fellow black people rather just to identify that there were not of the ethnicity and was only a slur for white people. however non-nigerians or non yorubas have misused it and changed the meaning with knowing the true meaning

Jamal is Akata ( Jamal is a foreigner) ( fellow black person)
John(white person) is Akata ( stray cat as Nigeria wasnt their homelands during colonialism)

by A person who did her research May 20, 2022

1👍 6👎