From the poorly translated game "Zero Wing." The best context to fit this phrase in is for online gaming, such as Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag, or Counter-Strike.
This is for when you're pwning some team badly.
Loser: Damnit, they scored again!
Winner: HAHA, all your base are belong to us!
14๐ 35๐
Short for "all your base are belong to us.
1. To own someone or something.
When playing capture the flag:
Winner: Hahahaha! all your flag are belong to us!
Loser: you people really suck.
13๐ 36๐
At first, it was stated with in a game for the Sega Genesis known as "Zero Wing". In which the enemy states "All Your Base Are Belong to Us." The game otherwise was fine it seems, I never played it truely, but looked up on it.
Later a flash movie was made, in which the intro was the scene the phrase was stated then lead to a catchy song. THe words are only versions of "All your base" "all your base are belong to us" and a catchy tune. All the while a flashing of screenshots with the words "All Your Base" are put in to match quite nicely.
To see this and many other renderings, I suggest Newgrounds.
1) How are you gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us.
You are on the way to destruction.
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Ha Ha Ha.
2)All your Base (Base...Base..)
All your base, are belong to us.
75๐ 41๐
Short for the quote "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" from the game Zero-Wing that featured bad Japanese to English translation. Regardless, the phrase is synonymous with "ownage" in modern video games.
Vader14: Chat kill lamer n00b STFU
Entropy: HAHAH! All your base belong to us!
50๐ 51๐
one of the funniest parodies I've ever heard. inspired by the really crappily translated theme song from gundam wing, this has turned out to be one of the most widely known parodies on the web, all your base, is gamer speak, (or gamer sp33k if you will) for "I have beaten you" and is an abreviation for "all your base are belong to us" is sung to a dronish voice that sounds like what may be an early version of an android.
captain: what happen?
operator: main screen turn on.
cats: how are you gentlemen? Captain: What happen?
Operator: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You!!
Cats: How are you gentlemen!!
All your base are belong to us.
You are on the way to destruction.
captain: what you say?!
cats: you have no cahnce to survive, make your time... ha ha ha...!!!
16๐ 60๐
A declaration of victory or superiority. The phrase stems from a 1991 adaptation of Toaplan's "Zero Wing" shoot-'em-up arcade game for the Sega Genesis game console. A brief introduction was added to the opening screen, and it has what many consider to be the worst Japanese-to-English translation in video game history. The introduction shows the bridge of a starship in chaos as a Borg-like figure named CATS materializes and says, "How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us." sic In 2001, this amusing mistranslation spread virally through the internet, bringing with it a slew of JPEGs and a movie of hacked photographs, each showing a street sign, store front, package label, etc. hacked to read "All your base are belong to us" or one of the other many supremely dopey lines from the game (such as "Somebody set us up the bomb!!!" or "What happen?"). When these phrases are used properly, the overall effect is both screamingly funny and somewhat chilling, reminiscent of the B movie "They Live".
The original has been generalized to "All your X are belong to us", where X is filled in to connote a sinister takeover of some sort. Thus, "When Joe signed up for his new job at Yoyodyne, he had to sign a draconian NDA. It basically said, `All your code are belong to us.'" Has many of the connotations of "Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated"
all your base are belong to us
3561๐ 321๐
A Japanese Genesis game called zero-wing got poorly translated into English. This sentence is now spread all over the internet.
English version:
In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us.
Cats: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Captain: Take off every 'zig' !!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'zig'.
Captain: For great justice.
1222๐ 132๐