A joke about Ali a and allah made by Fitz
Allah A *indian music starts playing*
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Allah is the name of God in Arabic, It used by Muslims. Allah is the creator of this world, Allah is not a human and so does not have any children and is not a male or female.
All the racist and ignorant comments criticizing Muslims of being terrorists are wrong, you cannot judge a whole nation on media lies, do not judge Muslims you have no right, and if you ever actually read the Quran you will realize that Islam is a religion about peace.
Who do Muslims believe in?
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The one God, not a god, not exclusively Islamic, as the definition above fallaciously claims. Allah is the only God, the god of all three Abrahamic faiths. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".
I pray to Allah in my time of need
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The Arabic word for God. Used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslim and Jewish Arabs. Not exclusive to any religion in the same way that the English word "God" is not exclusively used by any religion.
The first sentence of the bible, Genesis 1:1 "First God made heaven & earth". In the Arabic bible the same thing is mentioned with God replaced by its Arabic translation, Allah.
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The Arabic word for God. Not only the Islamic God, but any God.
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the Almighty one, He created all the living things in the whole universe. Allah is the only place we seek for help and forgiveness. From Allah we live, to Allah we belong. Islam is perfect
Ya Allah, forgive all my sins and help me. Guide me to the right path ya Allah. Laillahailallah muhammadarrasulullah, Allahuakbar
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Really, many people claim that Allah is just an Arabian term for God. Actually, it is. But it's not that simple, see? The dictionaries are all about different meanings. So: Common meaning in this time in non-arabic countries is that it reffers to the Moslim God, who IS different - at least the moslim's view is really different from Christians' and Jews'! Christians believe, that Jesus is God, Jews don't take Him at all, Moslims don't take him as God but just as one of the prophets. So - the Christians' God is not the same as Moslims' - He is Jesus, who sacrificed and resurrected - I am not Jew but I think their view of God is really different, too.
Allah! What I've done to deserve this?
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