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Amy Lee

A beautiful talented goddess and lead voclaist for the band evanescence. Amy Lee started making music in 1995 with ex co founder ben moody a insane bastard who obviously abused her, and she and the band gained fame in 2003 for songs bring me to life and my immortal, but followed but in 2006 with the amazing album the open door giving pure uniquness from their first album fallen with songs like lithium and good enough. She has powerful vocals to match deep and true lyrics, plus is a amazing role model refusing to strip for the cameras and telling the world that we all need to love ourselves. also is stated my many fans to be calm sweet and down to earth. She and the rest of evanescence arae currently working on a third studio album slated for realease in summer of 010 hopefully.

I walked past a man on the street who said "AMY LEE sucks"

I then proceeded to push him into a giant blender and press blend saying who sucks now bitch

by fallenpug November 14, 2009

91๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amy Lee

Evanescence is the all time rock band of our time. They have sucha amazing lyrics, that truely, and honestly are the deepest words ever written on paper! With Amy Lee's heart ache, and her pure talent, seeps through into her music and every song is better than the last. She is an outstanding artist and has come to such great success. She sings her pain through her much and you can hear how s he hurts inside and its incredable!

Lithium and You are two of my favorite songs written by Amy Lee.

by stellerxoxjess December 24, 2006

369๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž

amy lee

lead singer of the best f---ing band EVER. evanescence is NOT fake like many people seem to think. her lyrics are deep and i love the way amy lee uses metaphores for her songs. she is the most talented female vocalist i have ever heard her voice is mysterious and haunting and i respect that she refused to be viewed as a sex symbol unlike most other female singers who do this to promote their usually crappy songs. people say she's just a fake try hard emo/goth but if evanescence was so fake and try hard please explain how their album 'fallen' has managed to sell 14million albums to date. and if u don't like evanescence....bite me

amy lee is the fucking best

by evfan June 11, 2007

283๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amy - Lee





"wow Amy - Lee! that shit stanks!!!"
" I know, She's still amazing as fuck"

by Ra33yy July 21, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

amy lee

Evanescence singer who obviously believes she has the right to cut down bands and act like a soloist. She is a commercial artist who's voice is incredibly horrid live and her lyrics are hypocritical to her actions. Sadly, as Albert Campus once stated "Stupidity has a knack of getting its way" and she is seen as a Goddess of the music world by the deaf and pitiful.

So, Amy Lee believes she can stand up next to Simone Simons and Tarja Turunen as a vocalist? Bury me now!

by loyal_liar July 29, 2006

247๐Ÿ‘ 543๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amy Lee

Evanescence's lead vocal, who fired her bandmate John through a phone call. Too self-centered to be a good artist to follow! Her bandmates got to leave one by one (including co-founder, childhood friend Ben Moody) and now there she is, alone. Evanescence -> Amyescence! Tell me, Amy, are you happy now?

Amy Lee, Evanescence, Amy Lee, Evanescence

by Lee Nguyen May 6, 2007

133๐Ÿ‘ 282๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amy Lee

The most arrogant self-centered bitch in all of rock music. Rode Shaun Morgan (Seether)'s dick to become famous and then started cheating on him and badmouthing him, causing him to take up drugs and alcohol. A very talented vocalist, but a shittyhuman being.

Amy lee is a bitch. Who the fuck do you think 'Call me when you're sober' is about?

by Phleeebigeebit. August 19, 2006

267๐Ÿ‘ 609๐Ÿ‘Ž