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Norton Antivirus

Norton Antivirus is the pinnacle of stupidity and annoyance. First developed with the intention of making its users reach the peak of insanity.

It comes installed with your newly bought PC, which already makes your PC worthless.

Even when "uninstalled", it intends to hide in your registry just to scare the living shit out of you when your PC crashes.

Worst program ever created. Takes up too many resources on your PC. Whoever this Norton guy is, I hope he's dead.

Sorry, you have to pay for Norton Antivirus to supposedly protect your PC, which is obviously BS.

by BBoy Preacher November 30, 2008

407๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

Antivirus Plus

A virus that imitates real security software and "scans" your computer, giving bogus viruses in an attempt to scare you into giving them your credit card number.

Antivirus plus? What's that? Oh no! 32 threats found? Malicious software detected? Here's my credit card number! Charge me any amount you'd like!

by Skelwor January 25, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

avast antivirus

antivirus that scares the shit out of users with constant popups in the bottom-right corner of your screen convincing you to upgrade to avast premium with the only benefit being not having to see the popups

me: turns on pc


me: didnt you say I had 36 tracking cookies on my pc last time

by Hehe I cheated March 19, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Norton Antivirus

A scam that is completely ineffective at defending your computer from an MBT.

Person: MBT incoming!
Tank: (shoots 105mm armour piercing round at computer, annihilating it)
Person: Damn... I should have known that Norton Antivirus sucked.

by hello your computer has virus November 18, 2021

Antivirus GT

A malicious software program that tries to butt fuck you by automatically downloading on your system and tries to make you believe that you have multiple infections and and tries to make you fork over your credit card information to have your PC "cleaned" of all these non existant viruses. Usually found on porn sites

YOU: tittys... spanking... foot worship... other freaky shit... wait i didnt want this Antivirus GT... WTF?!?!? 30 VIRUSES!?!?! HOLY SHIT I WATCH TOO MUCH PORN

by Das Furher August 12, 2010

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Norton Antivirus

A scam that has been scientifically proven ineffective for countering a Main Battle Tank (MBT) attack.

Script Kiddie: H4h4 N0rt0n 4nt1v1ru5 15 d4 pWnz0rs!
MBT: Norton Antivirus sucks. Prepare to die. (Fires 105mm armour piercing shell)
Script Kiddie: N0000OO0000000OOO0!!!1111!!!11111!!!11!11 M41 C00MP00T3R

by hello your computer has virus November 18, 2021

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Norton Antivirus

One of the best anti-virus programs ever WHEN USED CORRECTLY.

Bave: Norton Antivirus is crap!
Sam: Thars because its the old version...and your computer isnt plugged in...and you created that virus yourself...

by Choo-Choo McGrew December 18, 2006

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