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Personality Antonym

the opposite of your personality

Do you know Chelsea? No, you don't. Therefore, you don't know anything about her personality antonyms.

by ole' aged one February 12, 2012

3👍 7👎



antonym you!!!

by w10f 🐺 August 6, 2022


a person who is unpleasant, awkward or too arrogant to even talk with.

He keeps interrupting me when i`m talking, he is SUCH an antonym!

by Quodie November 25, 2021

synonyms and antonyms

To start off, what exactly ARE synonyms? Synonyms are words, morphemes or phrases that mean the exact or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase! For example, the word ‘colourful’ has many different antonyms (for example: bright, dramatic, vivid, striking and so on)! Antonyms on the other hand are the opposite to another word, phrase or morpheme. A few example of this is the word small is an antonym to the word big, the word wet is an antonym to dry, the word clean is an antonym to the word dirty et cetra! You can thank me later.
Going back to synonyms, some synonyms actually improve the sentence, for example:

Boring sentence: The small mouse walked down the path

Now all you need to do is slap in a few better words to replace the bad ones!

Good sentence: The microscopic mouse scurried down the dirty suburbs.

So, if we know what synonyms can do, what about antonyms? We know that antonyms can actually make a sentence the exact opposite! We know this because:

Sentence one: The big elephant walked slowly through the jungle.

Sentence two: The small meerkat ran quickly through the desert.

That’s all! Thankyou for looking and I hope this helped you!

Person: Can you tell me what ‘synonyms and an antonyms are?!
Alien: Just look on urban dictionary!
Person: Oh yeahhhh
Person: (looks)!
Alien:Synonyms and Antonyms are…. Oh yeah! Synonyms are words that’re the same and antonyms are words that’re the opposite! Person: Thankyou so very much!
Alien: Anytime! Sike!
Alien:(takes over earth)

by MostBestDefinitions November 23, 2021


To communicate an idea using the antonym of the word typically used to communicate it. In many situations, such use is more nuanced and contains deeper emotional undertones.

He told her "I hate you for doing so much good for everyone else except you"; what he meant was that he deeply loved her doing what she did despite the personal sacrifices she had to make. He antonymicated love with hate.

by BabuGeorge April 5, 2018