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The moist stamp of a bare female backside.

Ellen quickly toweled off and still naked, picked up the phone and dialed Rosie, not realizing that when she sat on the coffee table she inadvertently deposited a sweaty-ass-kiss precisely where Melissa would be enjoying her coffee in a few short hours.

by ohthree11 March 26, 2010

93๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass-kissing in agreement

When one person says anything about anything, the said ass-kisser will agree with whatever the indivdual says

Individual: "Hmm, this pasta tastes bland"

Ass-kisser:"Oh yeah, so bland- very bland! geeeze what is this crap?"

Random Person Sitting & Over-hearing the others' conversation:"Woww, if that isn't a perfect example of ass-kissing in agreement, idk what is."

Person eating with Random Person Sitting & Over-hearing the others' conversation:"I know, perfect example seriously nothing could top that. You're so right."

by SmishSm0shh March 4, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

sister ass kiss

being nice to your sister (preferably one close to your age) in hope of hooking-up with one of her friends

joe-"why are you being so nice to your sister?"
bob-"oh, i am sister ass kissing"

by soejoto February 2, 2009

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urban ass-kissing

when somebody uses urban dictionary to kiss somebody's ass. this is usually done by making a word that vaugely describes a person, kissing ass, then providing that person with a link to the urban dic page. then they can pretend they didnt make it, or use it as a bullshit excuse to get in to somebody's pants.

urban ass-kissing can be reversed by urban ass-kicking, wich is pretty much the opposite, and can be used for breakups, and facebook wars

nerd: o hai guess what i found a definition that matches our relationship!
chick: what relationship? (looks at definition) oh thats so sweet. lets have sex!
nerd: Giggity Im so good at urban ass-kissing!

by anoncatlawlzftw March 22, 2010

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ass kissing contest

An election where the politician who kisses the most asses wins.

I didn't watch any of the ass kissing contest did you?

by Deep Blue 2012 September 8, 2009

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butterfly ass kiss

When somebody puts their eye as close to your ass as they can and you fart into it.

Guy: can you check to see if I have a hemorrhoid?
Girl: I don't see one
Guy: Look close I really think I have one (farts into girls eye)
Girl: I'm going to get pinkeye from that butterfly ass kiss!

by anonymous53987568 August 15, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

hott ass kiss

2 girls go into a bathroom during a movie and makeout the whole time, start to bang eachother, and come out of it like nothing happnened

kildoscope-2 girls ooooo yeah

by annie January 20, 2004

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