Source Code


A classic arcade game that was made by Atari where you had to shoot asteroids off of the screen. It was black and white but awesome at the time.

I'm going to the Arcade to play Asteroids tonight.

by pablowisdom August 20, 2016

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When your cumshot destroys your surroundings

Hey man i just shot some asteroids at my red bull can and knocked it over.

by flavourman April 5, 2009

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You might think huge rock but it’s actually a drug you might find while playing a video game

Person 1:Bro I found some Asteroids!

Person 2: Wait what? You mean Steroids?

Person 1:Nah man! Asteroids!

by RobotSkeleton27 January 21, 2020

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One Hugh shit, like having a kid!

Dude i just laid an asteriod!
dude yo face looks like an astroid.

by Nooch September 5, 2003

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Send the Asteroid!

Asking God or the Universe to destroy planet Earth to wipe out human civilization, especially when in events that lacks of moral standards.

Johnny: Hey Elizabeth, what do you for a living?

Elizabeth: I am a professional whore and a boss bitch!
Johnny: HARAM! Send the Asteroid!

by The Hidden Man of Texas January 20, 2023

Asteroid Fantasy

A name for a person who has a resume for being fired all the time and sits on the computer all day searching for upcoming asteroids that might hit the earth, conspiracy theories of complete bullshit and proof of ghosts and aliens, etc. often tries to explain it to you over loud music that rattles the windows. Dont ask this person for anything because the answer is always ''no!''

Tuesday, 2:30 a.m.

Asteroid Fantasy: "Wow! Vatican struck by lightning hours after Pope resigns!"
Someone: "cool, turn the fuckin music down dude I can barely hear myself talk, let alone you!"
Asteroid Fantasy: "I'm fuckin mind blown!" (turns the music down and takes a drink of beer) "Can I get a hit? it's been a long stressful day and a hit would be wonderful right now."
Someone: (sighs) ya... here... just don't burn it all (hands him the pipe thinking about how lame that excuse to get a hit was)
Someone else: "Can I have a smoke?"

Asteroid Fantasy: "No!" (hits the pipe)
Someone: "I'm goin to bed"
Asteroid Fantasy and Someone else: "Goodnight man see you in the morning."
Asteroid Fantasy: "Wow look at this!" (clicking on his computer)
Someone: "It was an Asteroid Fantasy ladies and gentlemen" (as if he were talking to a crowd of people while on a podium to make fun of him before going to sleep)
Someone Else: "Haha!" (backs up Someone with another quote) "Good morning this is Asteroid Fantasy with breaking news..."
Asteroid Fantasy: "Whatever" (turns the music back up while Someone tries to go to sleep)
Someone Else: "Ya I hope the neighborhood likes this song or if not the sheriffs might like it if we are lucky"

by Dirt Bikes and Glass Pipes April 4, 2013

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barbarian asteroid

The act of 2 beings mating analy and the giver pulls out, and while the takers anus is still gaping, the taker BMs into the givers anus.

Sandy got a barbarian asteroid from Ronald yesturday, it was wide.

by nicklights November 15, 2007

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