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On Astro

When you are high as fuck

Person one: bro i was on Astro at the party last night

Person 2: Me too I smoked 2 joints

by reallystoned July 1, 2019


Racist term used by whites, in reference to sub asian group, austronesian.

Goodwin: So many astro shit in my school, I cant stand them.
Nico: Where the f these guys come from mate?
Goodwin: God knows where, my bet is South East Asia.
Nico: These cunts are your Degenerate Brownian Motion arent they?
Goodwin: Fucking astro.

Nico: Look at that astro boy there littering around, this isnt Indonesia or some South East Asian state, this is a civilized country ffs ! Look at what they turned this beautiful country to. God save Australia.
Goodwin: Fucking dbm astro.

by Rangaaabearddd April 14, 2023

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


big gay

astro is big gay ljool

by RottenRain October 25, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Short for astronomical. A word used by skaters to describe something that’s totally bomb, usually like a difficult trick that they can do or see someone doing.

Damn, jah see home boy land the Caballerial? Dat flip is so astro.

by Let me be anonymous August 2, 2008

36πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


By far the most awesome baseball club in the national league. However, they got worked by those gangsta White Sox from Chicago in the 05 World Series, the first World Series appearance for the Astros.

Go Astros, or Go 'Stros

by 'StroMan April 10, 2009

67πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

The astro

1. The act of dancing without music

2. The act of dancing with no one around, with or without music

Look at that guy, he's doing the astro!
I bet Jack does the astro at home.

by Travis and the Bullfrogs October 7, 2008

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Always Stating The Really Obvious

similiar to Captain Obvious.

user1: you are such a republican
user2: dont listen to him he's ASTRO

by deervark September 2, 2005

50πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž