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ate up

the run-down feeling after doing drugs.

Man, after we rolled last night, I was ate up the next two days.

by bell June 29, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

ate up

A state of being enamored, infatuated, crushin' on, call it what you will, over another person. i.e., she is ate up over that guy.

Also used in reference to self-professed addictions as when one is addicted to a website, hanging their clothes in a certain order, etc.

Can also be used when describing someone doing something to the extreme.

I saw a dude using Q-tips to clean all the crevices in his car today, that's ate up.

I waste countless hours everyday on Facebook because I'm ate up.

by ateupannette August 15, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

ate up

The term "ate up" is typically used to describe people who have taken to many drugs. Marijuana makes you "ate up" over an extended use. The THC attatches to your fat cells mainly around your brain. Over time this blocks signals being sent from your brain making you "ate up." I would say Acid causes you to be "ate up" much quicker. This is based on personal experience and my drug class teachers...

Signs of being "ate up" are fairly simple.
1. You laugh at nothing... sober
2. You stuggle putting sentences together
3. Zone out of most conversations with a dumb look on your face

Man jake is so ate up from all that acid he cant even speak!

by James Ganja October 10, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

ate up

ate up is being stupid as fuck because you do WAY too many drugs like me..

and you say random shit and do random shit. usually entertaining to people who arnt as ate up or dont do drugs.

savannah: dude, lets get some beans
hannah: i dont know.. im hella ate up.
savannah: pussy.
hannah: okay, fine..

by Lombardozzi February 1, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

ate up

sunday morning at 6 in the morning, and the following 5 hours...

Holy shit man, I'm so ate up I cant stop saying bullshit words...

by loAch May 12, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ate Up

Ate Up - St. Louis phrase that is used alot.

Especially in St. Louis County.

Ate up is referring to somebody being:

1. High off of Drugs
2. Stupid
3. Drunk
4. Saying something stupid, but its funny as hell.

Danielle J.: Dru I hate you.

Dru: Listen to my song.


Dru: Danielle you are ate up.

by Dr.PepperLover February 5, 2009

220๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ate up

The hangover period after coming down off of the club drug ecstasy. There is debate as to when exactly the ate up period starts, but generally it happens right after the first short sleep period after coming down.

This state is characterized by an overall 'fuzzy' head feeling as if your skull was filled to the brim with a mass of wet cotton balls. Mild headache is also common along with general stiffness and muscle/joint aches if one was dancing for long periods of time. Users who frequent clubs during intoxication also frequently get 'beat' after effects, hearing snippets and pieces of the music they were listening to during the peak time of the high.

Origins of the term are unclear, but in the EDM scene, strong evidence points towards either the state of Florida or Texas coining the term, with Florida the more probable place (8up.com is a storied rave/party website for Central and South Florida).

E-tard #1: Whoa..like, mmbago, doof..

E-tard #2: Dude, just pass the pipe..

by Socialcommentary2000 May 4, 2005

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