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Attention seeker

I was apparently attention seeking lol wait I’m sharing this with everyone I’m attention seeking right now lol

Me:who ever is putting that shit up about me and rose behind an anonymous app pu ye spoons

Jack:ur an attention seeker

by Mollyisgxy22 October 21, 2018

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Attention Seekers

A group of girls that have 12 boyfriends but only want them for attention. They secretly hate them all and want one boy but are not loyal enough.

Usually are depressed because they want a loyal "boy" but that boy ends up turning into "boys". Attention Seekersare usually made up of a group of girls that hate everyone!

by yamumsyadad June 18, 2017

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Attention Seeker

That stupid kid who posts Instagram stories to gain clout, some take it too far and make fake tears and bruises to look hurt.

They are commonly younger teenagers and seek for clout, it definitely works but it’s fucking annoying.

Look it’s an attention seeker.
Attention Seeker: *sobs* nr to all tonight

by Criticalxp September 6, 2019

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Attention Seekers

People who say that they are no one and nothing. Mostly lie about things that have happened in their lives and ALWAYS call themselves ugly and worthless. Shut the hell up, you haven't seen worse yet.

Attention Seekers
Girl: I'm no one. Nobody likes me. I'm fat.
Me: Shut the fuck up you lying hoe

by Flyingfucksigive0 February 28, 2016

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Attention Seeker

Trisha Paytas a famous controversial Youtuber, she lies about everything on Youtube for the fame and Attention.

Guy 1: Hey! Did ya hear Trisha Paytas made a video lying about DID.
Guy 2: What?! She's such an Attention Seeker.

by ZKR March 15, 2020

Attention seeker

Can be very annoying but they are usually going through something fucking tough. Be nice, bro... well to most of 'em... the ones who deserve it. Fuck you, Jack

Attention seeker- streaks πŸ’”
You - Reply sometimessss

by Desperate and single November 26, 2019

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Attention Seeker

A very sad and lonely person, typically with 0-2 friends. They post everything that happens to them on their story, like, literally everything. Ranging from β€œMy mum forgot to buy me a pen” to β€œI just breathed very loudly” you get the point. They are typically female and annoying.

Person: β€œIsn’t that Daisy girl such an attention seeker?”
Person 2: β€œI know right, kinda annoying”

by Mike Wazowski is fit April 23, 2020

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