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Form the most awesome game ever created, its from Gears of War. It mean your in a fuck load of trouble, or soemthing really bad is happening or going to happen.

Or is can mean the exact opposite for something really good

its up to you to decide on the context that the word is used

1. "man, this show is batshit"
2. "Holly Shit yo mom is batshit"
3. "hey pass the batshit this way"
4. "this batshit is getting out of control"
5. "this place is totaly batshit"

by the_Fuzz August 13, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cool, awesome, brilliant (derived from 'batshit insane' and 'crazy', where 'crazy' is used in the positive sense)

Hey man, that movie was batshit!

That party was batshit!

This drink is batshit!

by Doug S May 3, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bat's feces

I pranked Amy by replacing her Civet Shit coffee beans (Kopi Luwak) with some batshit. She drank the brew & that's how she caught China virus.

by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 19, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term to describe the best of a bad thing. think about it, shit is nasty. but "bat shit" or "guano" is actually pretty valuable. its a great fuel source, and people use it to make a vast range of things like jewelry and dishes. its the "best" shit there is. we don't make plates out of our shit do we?

so a term like "batshit crazy" would be used to describe someone who is insane, but really interesting, like a schizophrenic. not as a term to describe some one really crazy

by Sloan Caterine July 13, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sudden, seemingly reasonless burst of anger. Typically from a woman. Though a man can be the culprit, if particularly feminine. Men usually have reason for their temper tantrums.

Can consist of, but not limited to: yelling, screaming, slapping, hitting, foaming at the mouth, bewilderment, and/or diarrhea.

That last symptom can be of either the victim or the batshitter, the second to last is limited only to the victim.

Past tense is 'batshat' since 'batshitted' is just plain improper, and 'batshatted' is a double past tense.

"We were just sitting on the couch watching a movie with, all of a sudden she had an unprovoked batshit".

"Yeah mine's done that before, must've breathed wrong".

"Oh my bad".

"It's okay, it happens".

by Haydoom July 26, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

batshit crazy

A person who is batshit crazy is certifiably nuts. The phrase has origins in the old fashioned term "bats in the belfry." Old churches had a structure at the top called a belfry, which housed the bells. Bats are extremely sensitive to sound and would never inhabit a belfry of an active church where the bell was rung frequently. Occasionally, when a church was abandoned and many years passed without the bell being rung, bats would eventually come and inhabit the belfry. So, when somebody said that an individual had "bats in the belfry" it meant that there was "nothing going on upstairs" (as in that person's brain). To be BATSHIT CRAZY is to take this even a step further. A person who is batshit crazy is so nuts that not only is their belfry full of bats, but so many bats have been there for so long that the belfry is coated in batshit. Hence, the craziest of crazy people are BATSHIT CRAZY.

Dude that guy on the corner wears a tinfoil hat and ripped all the wires out of his house so the government couldn't listen to his thoughts.


Yeah, he's batshit crazy.

by KBLI August 20, 2009

3770๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž

batshit eloquence

When something expressed is so beyond crazy that it makes perfect sense.

As he stood on the street corner yelling out his innermost thoughts, the sheer batshit eloquence of it all swept me off my feet.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 3, 2019