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beef drape

A labia that protrudes abnormally far from the rest of the vagina.

See also: beef curtain

I removed Becky's panties expecting to find a well stuctured snizz instead all I found was a mangled mess of battered labia. As if reading my mind, she said, "What you dont like my beef drapes?"

I vomited.

by Becky B August 24, 2005

34πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Beef Drapes

A pair of vaginal lips that hang PRECICELY 1 foot or lower from the snatch-must be 1 foot or longer to qualify as beef drapes; beeflike apperance/scent; stretch when pulled; flap on call; continue to sag with age.

"Yo gramma, hang dem beef drapes out to dry! they greasin up my floo!

"shut up or ill slap you with my beef drapes!'

by sweetlips April 4, 2005

53πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

Roast Beef Drapes

When a woman’s pussy lips hang low and loose and have the appearance of a well done roast beef - brown with a slightly pink middle and tough to chew.

Me: hey Pete, you go down on Rita?
Pete: I was about to until she opened her Roast Beef Drapes and it looked like it would eat me!

by Curt N. closer December 1, 2017

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

roast beef drapes

The long wrinkled slivers of skin hanging from the center of the vagina of a loose bitch, in which looking like roast beef slices.

Nigger: Hey mayne, that was some bad pussy eatin' last night!

Bitch: Good shit?

Nigger: hell no bitch! Them roast beef drapes slapped me in the face!

by whores July 3, 2008

15πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Beef drapes

Pussy lips

She has beef drapes

by Doughboy 1986 August 25, 2017