Source Code


A game developer, famous for the Fallout series

A:Hey fallout came out, you know that game by EA Sports
B:(shakes head) no A, it's made by Bethesda, now go do some research about Fallout 4, and don't forget to pre-order the Target Quantum Cola!

by Manila_File_Folder_8 February 15, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. 1. a section of DC suburbia noted for having a filthy rich populace, more restaurants per square mile than most American metropolises, a disturbing number of Porsches crusing the streets, and laughably expensive movie ticket prices. 2. a yuppie epicenter 3. a congregating place for festive snots, most of them either preteens or over 25 4. (Archaic) - the junction between East West Hwy and Wisconsin Ave
--Bethesdaner, n.
--Bethesdaite, n.
--Bethesdesque, adj.

A: Hey, how about we get the group together at your house and then have a night on the town?
B: Dude, I live in Bethesda.
A: Oh yeah. I forgot.

by That Random Hobo November 9, 2004

148๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


The place where the where the high end job holders of the DC metro area go to have their families. With schools of over achieving children and high standards, streets filled with expensive cars, and a commercial standard of high priced quality material goods Bethesda is a yuppie heaven.

(two teenagers from diferent schools in Bethesda)
X - Yeah, we had two go to Harvard, one go to Yale, three to Upenn, six to Cornell...
Y - Wait, only one to Yale?

by dyngleberi October 22, 2004

239๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful community just outside of Washington DC, filled with large, expensive homes, fancy restaurants, boutique shops, and expensive cars. It is the best educated city in America - with over 50% of the adult population holding a masters degree or higher. Has a very cosmopolitan and urbane feel.

X: Wow, ten different ethnic restaurants in a row?!
Y: Dude, it's Bethesda

by EasyE April 26, 2005

265๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž


verb, to render a piece of software (usually a video game) inoperable and/or unplayable due to one or more bugs left within the code.

"They've really Bethesda-ed up the launch of Fallout 76, haven't they?"

"That's what you get for having an excessively harsh crunch time and not hiring enough QAs."

by Geekonomicon October 31, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A town in Washington DC suburbia in Montgomery County. Bethesda is unique because of its highly educated population. Montgomery County itself has a gang problem in areas like Silver Spring and Kensington, but its high standards for education are seen in its nicer areas like Bethesda, Potomac, and Rockville. Bethesda is populated mostly by families with high income. A lot but not most of them are filthy rich and are the ones you see living in the really big houses. Children who grow up in Bethesda tend to be ignorant of places that are less fortunate because there isn't much to worry about. This gives them the impression that places like Gaithersburg are ghetto. Kids from Bethesda tend to be generalized as spoiled rich white kids. True most of them are rich but only the spoiled ones are the people who give off this generalization. There is in fact, a very small population of working class families that live in Bethesda. Their kids are the ones that realize how ridiculous everything around them actually is. These same kids are usually the ones made fun of because their down to earth view of things in an over achiever environment. Bethesda is basically a utopia, so kids in Bethesda become bored and start doing drugs. While there doing drugs and are completely unaware that they just got ripped off, they convince them selfs that because they smoke bud and live near DC this somehow makes them hardcore. This is what gives Bethesda a bad rep.

Ignorant Rich kid #1: Dude, this shit soo dank.
Ignorant Rich kid #2: Yeah, I'm fucked up right now. Lets go back to my mansion and brag about how hardcore we are to each other while playing xbox 360 live.

Dealer #1: I aint sellin shit.
Dealer #2: Go to Bethesda. Yesterday i sold two white boys a shitty salad for $80. It wont even get them high.

by The Fountain of Knowledge April 17, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where AWESOME, but rich and intelligent kids live in mansions or large houses and drive expensive cars. You can always see atleast 3 Mercedes Benz and 5 SUVs. Most kids own designer clothes and there is a very high prep population. And Polo makes a lot of profit from this certain area. Most kids also go to ivy league colleges.

X: I bought this new polo the other day!
Y: So how many do you have now?
X: 257

by Maddie January 11, 2005

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