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Bipartisan Effort

An attempt to screw over everybody. Generally a group effort.

After Hugo got crabs when Jenny cheated on him, they decided to open up their relationship and spread the love. It was a total Bipartisan Effort.

by J. Lieberman August 15, 2009

bipartisan crossfire

pronounced: "by-par-tih-sin cross-fyr"

Bipartisan crossfire is the attack received directly and indirectly by both sides of a two-party political system. In the heat of opposing sides, those identified as the "center" or "middle" of the political spectrum are often criticized for not fully embellishing all of the motives of either party. The centrist ridicules the extremists on both sides, such as Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore*, but also usually agrees with the open-minded on both sides. These far-lefties/righties are usually the ones that instill the bipartisan crossfire in the first place.
Lastly, bipartisan crossfire is socially dangerous. In a world dominated by opposition, the last thing we need is to silence the open-minded: they're usually the ones who stop us from trying to annihilate each other.
*According to the teen-shaping TV program "Family Guy," these two are the same person. Oh, and Nazis support McCain/Palin '08. Because National Socialism and conservatism go hand in hand. Look it up.

The aspiring centrist couldn't fully identify with either party because he supports both the War on Terror and President Barack Obama (mostly, like 73%). Both sides' bipartisan crossfire left him politically alone. He is now left at a crossroads β€” does he abandon his own identity and conform to one party, or keep his ideals, knowing no one will hear them?
That, or drop politics altogether and become a mindless, Twittering, texting, "OMGi<3thisSong!" media whore.

by Nuclear Tank Factory June 1, 2009

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Bipartisan Blowout

The act of having diarrhea and puking at the same time, which requires the two ends of your body to cooperate against you.

Joe was soooo sick, he had a Bipartisan Blowout.

by Carl Stawicki February 3, 2009

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covert bipartisan compliance

The phenomenon is where individuals from different political parties work together behind closed doors to achieve common goals.

This type of collaboration is often kept hidden from the public as it goes against the expectations of their respective constituencies who may view such cooperation as betrayal.

By working together in secret, politicians can avoid being seen as compromising their principles or party loyalty while still getting things done.

The result is an agreement or resolution that benefits both sides but is not openly acknowledged due to fears of backlash from voters.

Covert bipartisan compliance is a sneaky tactic used by American politicians to deceive the public.

by Type2GenomeManiac May 23, 2023

Quail Bipartisan Politics

It’s a themed restaurant.

Have you been to Quail Bipartisan Politics? Shits fire.

by West Bank Big Wank June 4, 2021

Bipartisan Support

Both parties receive almost everything they want with very few compromises, and no concern for the total cost to the taxpayers.

The new spending bill is receiving bipartisan support.

by Jambobrambob October 5, 2021