short for "baby" for those high school chicks who are too afraid to call their crush baby. what am I doing, of course, they will leave you! (even after years)
"How are you doing, bii?"
"Oh, and let's break up like people do bii"
Meaning in a short time normally no longer than 2 hours
a super potato lord that's 1 years old but very cool featured in miss comedy
that is very like biying
a very wise but the most bitcheyest bitch ever meet this person in life she no cool (share this)
o my Jake is so a biying he's smart but a bitch
Biye is an extraordinary being with different personalities. Although she may seem annoying sometimes, she is fun to be around.
If you have a friend like Biye you should be happy, lucky, proud and satisfied. Biyeis a rare being and it is hard to find people like her.
•Today Biye helped me when I was feeling sad
•Guy:Do you know Biye?
Girl: Yea, she's my best friend