Source Code

The Black Death

La Toya Jackson...

Kyle: Hey Chef! Do you know where β€œshit” comes from... we think it’s associated with The Black Death!

Chef: Oh no children! The Black Death! La Toya Jackson!

by FegelFatso January 16, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Black Death

The last thing you will experience in your life after you say nigger in a room with even two black people, no matter the context it's in. Some people are just too butthurt .

John: Have you heard of Joe lately?
Bill: No, rumors spread that he died of a Black Death.
John: Dumbass said the n-word in front of black people in 2018, I'm glad he died.

by UFO_nah_just_swamp_gas April 3, 2018

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

blue sky black death

A bomb ass under ground hip-hop group from san franisco

I want to see blue sky black death in concert.

by jack07 May 3, 2007

38πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Gross Black Boob Death

(Noun) The medical term for 'Breast Cancer"

"Oh no, Shirly!!! The doctor told me today that I have Gross Black Boob Death!"

by thabee420.zoklet.net December 15, 2009

34πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Black Screen of Death

Abbreviated as BSoD (not to be confused with the same abbreviation of Windows' Blue Screen of Death), it is the Original Xbox's equivalent to the PlayStation 2's infamous Red Screen of Death (RSoD). It shows a black background with the green "Your Xbox requires service" text and a error code at the upper left side.

Someone who played the OG Xbox: I remember the Black Screen of Death, that it was so traumatic!

by Ryan900USAYT September 30, 2022

the black windmill of death

How all the colored girls fight in hip-hop clubs.Both arms flailing in a windmill fashion with a hawk-bill knife or box cutter in each hand.This usually doesn't occur until after precursory face scratching and the pulling out of hair pieces,weaves and extensions.

I saw two Negresses going after each other in the black windmill of death over some deadbeat playa.

by wolfbait51 June 7, 2011

Black Screen of Death

Microsoft ruined Windows 11 and that's one of the main reasons how. It's still BSOD, though.

Person 1: yo I got black screen of death what can I do?
Person 2: you upgraded to windows 11?
Person 1: yep why?
Person 2: nothing special, you can fix it by... and some tech stuff
Person 1: thx cya round!

by stysan September 27, 2022