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Bleeding Heart

someone who is in a negative relationship. The person will not see it as negative, but they see that they are trying to help the person. In relaity, however, the 'bleeding heart' is being dragged down. This can end up in depression, suicicide or just feeling like shit. The bleeding heart will evernetually realize that by trying to help someone who didnt want help, they were really only hurting themselvs.you have to evalute what is more valuable in your life, and if she is worth fighting for, than fight. and if she is dragging you down, then get the fuck out of the relationship. That should be approched gently, you still want to be a shoulder for her to cry on, but you cant be emotionally invovled.

if your girlfriend has attempted suicide, has been put in the hospital, has been realesed is still a fucking mess, and ur still with her, than chances are, your a bleeding heart.

by break_down December 25, 2005

34πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž

Bleeding Heart

Someone who is constantly depressed.

"After she broke up with him, he became such a bleeding heart"

by Roofieo November 12, 2004

27πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Bleeding Heart Liberal

Bleeding Heart"A person who is considered excessively sympathetic toward those who claim to be underprivileged or exploited."

Liberal"Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism."

Liberalism" A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority."

So from this, we can gather that a "bleeding heart liberal" is an individual that aligns themselves with the Liberal party(aka left), and is particularly sympathetic to the underprivileged class. Oftentimes this phrase is misused to denote any far-left individual. Ironically, some far-leftist are anything but liberals at all, but most have some bleeding heart tenancies.

"That bleeding heart liberal jury let a rapist go with six years in an institution."

"The Governor got re-elected by pushing his bleeding heart liberal views, and got the sway vote from the lower-class."

by Vigilantism July 13, 2008

490πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

bleeding-heart libertarian

Someone who claims to be a libertarian but believes that all manner of silly left-wing statist beliefs are an integral part of libertarianism.

Some bleeding-heart libertarian told me that "slut shaming" was the equivalent of going on a killing spree in a shopping mall and that I needed to "check my privilege."

by lawlster April 5, 2014

29πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Bleeding Heart Disease

Originally a song title by the punk band NoFX, Bleeding Heart Disease pokes fun at people who are "Bleeding Hearts" and "Heart Disease" (a real disease). Someone who has Bleeding Heart Disease often suffers from chronic and naive sympathy for anyone and everything, especially around politically sensitive issues. The sympathetic emotions are often unjustified and directed to people or causes that do not in fact deserve sympathy.

It's important to note that to be diagnosed with Bleeding Heart Disease, a person must chronically feel unjustifiably sorry for people on unrelated topics. It's also important that the topic of sympathy be unjustified or highly debatable.

Bleeding Heart Disease is becoming especially common in the Western World.

Statement: "That's so sad that guy died when he got his Darwin award."
Reply: "I think you have Bleeding Heart Disease."

by Brad Bender January 2, 2008

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Bleeding Heart Kid

One who listens to music that represents the daily struggles of people and society. It hurts to listen and feel but one is powerful enough to understand the pain.

Represent your struggle!

"If your addicted to Atmosphere your probably a bleeding heart kid"

by Your Struggle October 15, 2007

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

without a bleeding heart

someone who is too sympathetic to others and people that are suffering

Diana: " my type is someone without a bleeding heart. "
Diana: " jacey is just too sympathetic I just don’t like nice guys. "
Jacey: " Pleaseeee, i won’t help your grandma that fell downstairs next time ;((( "
Diana: " Why would you touch another girl when you have me?! "

by macandcheesewithglittwer June 10, 2023