An advanced traffic maneuver in which one slowly inches out into oncoming traffic, until they are blocking the flow of cars (sometimes in both directions), thus ensuring they are able to pull out.
Necessary behavior in places like Rhode Island, famous for it's terrible drivers.
Jim: This traffic is so thick, we're never gonna get out of this intersection.
John: Don't worry, I'm going to employ a Rhode Island Block.
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Block island boys are special. They’ve grown up on the Rhode Island beaches with the sand between their toes and the salty air in their hair. This gives most of them the ‘haven’t showered in two months’ look. Their summer days are spent watching the surf and crushing a 30 rack of coors light before noon. When not chillaxing🤙, many block island boys work construction, making them extremely good with their hands. It’s good that most of them are in these blue collar jobs, because despite being well into their thirties, most Block Island men cannot add to 100. If you get yourself a block island boy that doesn’t fit this narrative—hold on to them❤️
Stay away from those block island boys, they will break ur heart