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boarding school

Same essential mistake, only taking up four times as much of the day. Also a place that tries four times as hard to take the credit when a former student takes over his daddy's job.

He used to attend a day school, but that wasn't disastrous enough so he went to boarding school instead.

by Fearman May 28, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

boarding school

An in-residence educational institution. Adults with too much money who resent their children send them here to learn how to make money and resent children. Secondary curriculum includes whining like an infant and ass-kissing. Without constant security and supervision, students and graduates would be easy prey for real humans.

He's from boarding school. Get your sister to kick his ass.

by littleman77 July 28, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

boarding school

A boarding school from the outside perspective is a school that's for parents that care about their kids getting the best of their education.

A boarding school from the inside perspective (the one which I go to) is quite an ordinary school like any others. The differences is that there are more diverse groups, and at the same time these groups have a tendency to self-segregate themselves by language barriers/likeliness, although with some overlapping. There are the same "weed, drug, smoke, alcohol, sex" people, nevertheless some of them are responsible, some are not (given the laws of their native countries). There are greater expenditures spent on facilities and technology (like Smart Boards/Laptops for everyone/etc), but at the same time theres Internet Censorship (blocking i.e. websense). There are some mandatory practices depending on what school you go to, such as joining a club/activity, playing sports, going to chapel, etc. Some schools have more extracurriculars than others, and some schools have varying degrees of freedom for students. Most people at the boarding schools dislike the schedule/routine/rules involved such as curfew, staying after 3/4pm, weekend school, etc.

Yes, there are rich people (who own farms, businesses, mansions, private jets), but these are also a minority. At least 30% or typically on scholarships or financial assistance, and I have not found any notable differences. I have heard from my friends that the girls here are "harder to get", more "bitchy", alas whether thats true or not, its up to you to decide.
Most boarding schools do try to bullshit on their brochure a lot on traditions, upstanding values, and extraordinary/exemplary civilized students; which most of the case is probably not true, but there are students like that anywhere, which is not limited to just boarding schools. You do meet people all over the world, but there are little differences, with the exception of minor lifestyle changes that people experience such as schedule shifts, servants/rules, etc.

Unfortunately, when I look back at the year books from earlier years, most of the students tend to be homogenous in nature with respect to ethnicity. (White, rich, has some of that early styles hair); but the landscape has significantly changed, given that there are Asians, Blacks, Whites, Africans, Anglos, etc.

by Retrograde January 20, 2012

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

boarding school

a place where parents ship their children of to, because they take up too much of their time, and to waste their money.

bss is a crap boarding school...something short of an orphanage

by krys October 28, 2003

63๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž

boarding school

boarding school is a waste of time in some places but can be good i suppose. it depends on the school. (exeter is not great though!)

exampls of decent boarding schools: harrow, eton, st antony's leweston, rugby, oundle, downside, charterhouse, malborough, christ's hospital etc

by aurora m July 17, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boarding School

A school that you go live at, gives a good impression on paper but you really come out of it a little gayer because it is a 4 year slumber party with your best friends. Also, you learn really how to beat the system and evade getting in trouble rather than learning any actual school and come to realize that dip is the only way to relieve your stress and can be complimented by a late night shower at 2 am.

(I went to boarding school and this was daily routine)

"On my first day of boarding school, I was nervous of going into the shower withe everyone else, now we fit 3 guys into 1 shower"

"Dude can you throw down some money for a log? i payed for the past 5 tins"

"I'm not really gay I'm just gay"

by gobucs September 29, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boarding school

Horrible place where you have to be in bed at ten, the best thing to do is smoke in the wood and where most of you time is spent figuring out how many days before you can go home for your exeat (a weekend you get in between Half-Terms) but wait there's more, in the lent and summer term you don't get any exeats at all! How great! Ahh, the British boarding school, a fun place of freezing cold dorms and bitchy girls. And don't forget the best part, most of them are single sex schools so we get great socials (discos) with the opposite sex, which are awkward. They're also filled with sloanes (upper class/ Upper Middle class Brits who enjoy cruising down the kings road) who call someone a chav(lower classes, likes wearing faux Burberry) at any possible time. Yep, you just have to love snobs who don't understand anything beyond their own nose.

"So Livviee are you cruising down the Kings Road anytime soon?"
"Yah sure on my exeat weekend, it'll be totally safe," - A real conversation between two girls at boarding school.

You know when you are at a British Pri- ooops I meant Boarding school.
-When the word Chav is used more that 18 times a day
-When even this website is blocked!
-When pretty much every site is blocked aside from 'educational' websites.
-When the showers are freezing even when they're on full power.
-When hip/hop is played every where by people who think they're really street.
-When you find yourself addressing people as darling.
-When by the end you end up with a serious smoking habit.
-When you're closer to you housemistress than your mother.
-When the best thing to do (aside from smoke) is to go onto the roofs, flood bathrooms and generally do stuff to piss off the school.
-When you have slept through lessons.
-When it seems to be 10 degrees C colder at school than anywhere else.
-When you end up wanting to kill half the people in your dorm.
-When you do school from 9 am-6 pm on weekdays and school from 9 am -12 pm on a Saturday.
-When you have chapel on a Sunday even though you're not religious.
-When you have probably survived on tuck and the tuck shop since you can't eat the food because it's so bad.
-When your main wish in life is to go back to day school.

You can get all this and more when you go to boarding school. Fantastic! (Note the heavy amount of sarcasm)

by I.N.Wehaxm October 25, 2009

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