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Stoner boner

When you are so high on drugs you get a boner on

A: "I was so high the other day I got a Stoner boner!"
B: "Did it hurt?"

by Who gives a toss? April 1, 2010

71๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoner boner

when someone who's high gets really horny โ€ขgood vibe tribeโ€ข

(stoner boner)So one day we smokd & then we laid on the couch for awhile, then he took me to his room.I was sittin there & before I could react he grabd my ankles & yankd me down all in one motion so I was layin on my back & he got on top of me and startd kissin me.We startd to make out as his hands wanderd.He unhookd my bra & startd to feel my boobs undr my bra.He was startin to get hard & I could feel his boner through his sweat pants.He rippd my shirt off & startd kissin my neck. then I rolld over so I would be on top of him & I startd feelin up & down his muscular chest & chiseld abs.He took his shirt off as I movd down lowr to remove his sweat pants.I grippd his hard dick & startd to stroke him.Then I movd down & put his hard cock in my mouth & began to suck, hard.He moand as I put his cock deepr into my throat until he flippd me over so he would be on top again.He rippd my shorts off & startd fingerin me slowly & finally straddld me & enterd me.He startd thrustin, slowly then hardr & fastr.The whole bed was rockin back & forth as he thrustd himself deepr into me.Then he reachd down & startd rubbin my clit as he fuckd me.I screamd in pleasure & wrappd my legs around his waist.He never slowd his pace & kept fuckin me hardr as he movd my legs onto his shoulders & leand forward until my knees were on my chest & fuckd me until I cummd all over him.He put my legs back down & kept fuckin me until he cummd inside of me & collapsd on top of me, exhaustd.

by kittykat88 June 24, 2014

20๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A semi-erotic sensation that occurs when first seeing or smelling very strong cannabis

"I went to the weed expo and had a stoner-boner the whole time!"

by AcidFr33k April 23, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stoner Boner

When something is especially pleasing to someone who is under the infuence of marijuana. Usually has to do with some kind of food.

When Mike walked downstairs with microwave burritos for everyone, I got a Stoner Boner.

by Armondo Ootgah October 27, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoner boners

an unofficial couple that only hooks up when high or intoxicated in some way. kind of like fun-buddies but in lower states of consciousness.

Person 1: "I saw Victoria and some random guy go into a room last night at the party and hook up, are they dating?"

Person 2: "Naw they're just stoner boners."

Person 1: "Oh touche."

by juggalettelex February 25, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoner boner

getting excited at the prospect of getting very high at some point in the near future.

Dude we've been saving our kief for the whole semester I have such a huge stoner boner

by themacbleezy December 28, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stoner Boner

a girl who prefer to bone stoners.

Lauren is such a stoner boner. She always bones the biggest stoners.

by zofoemeneg November 14, 2010

51๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž