Source Code


Someone smelling really bad; awful smell.

Aye bruh your breathe boofin!
Your feet boofin like shyt!

by Priddy Gal December 16, 2021


IRL Junior Also Know As A DonDaDa With A Ratchet Bih

Online Know As Clucks

'Ayo Boofin WTW SLIME '

by CIucks May 11, 2021


Describing a foul smell

She thinks she looks good with her (boofin) breath.

by rOca...197 April 7, 2005

41πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A popular term used in New York, which means to stink or to smell extrememly bad

My g, dis bitch breath was boofin!

by RHSNTHSSlang January 3, 2010

38πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


aKa: Bumpin' Uglies, Scrumpin', bionkin', Stabbin'...

THe act of making high quality, high energy porn star like SEX.... blessing women with ol' in, out, in, out

Past Tense: I boofed your mom last night.

Verb: The sweat from my back ran down my buttcrack while I was boofin dis ho from out the mountain.

by BoOfFinMaStA August 9, 2003

58πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


when someone is acting or saying something f**cking stupid.

Hammond: β€œI love going on bestgore.com, it’s how I get off.”
Mickey: β€œgirllllll, you boofin.”

by jnap142 December 8, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


to be at a state of actin dumb or being stupid.....

micheal was boofin on john becuase john has better dro then him...

by alex rivers June 18, 2006

30πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž