Source Code


Weed, marijuana, cannabis,

Jake gave me the loudest bud

by AdrianπŸ’‹ July 29, 2019

41πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A treeflower that is preparing to blossom.

Diggity Monkeez: What's up, bud?

Bud: Not much. Here's hoping I don't get eaten by any birds.

by Diggity Monkeez March 12, 2005

2697πŸ‘ 1043πŸ‘Ž


The clitoris.

She got wild pleasure from touching her bud.

by Turbotom March 26, 2003

2270πŸ‘ 984πŸ‘Ž


~1. A womans clitorus, the small protrusion. 'to suck on the "bud" gives a woman great delight'
~2. Your friend, 'hey buddy'
~3. short for Budweiser, American beer. "Gimme a bud"

1. Suck the bud as she parts her lips
2. Hi bud
3. "Gimme a bottle o' bud"

by Ponce April 26, 2005

2428πŸ‘ 1074πŸ‘Ž


the buds of the marijuana plant. sold for recreational drug use.

by Nigel Greenhalgh June 3, 2003

577πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž


1) A name most people of Irish decent call their friends. Especially popular in Nova Scotia, around the PHK, Sydney, New Watreford and Antigonish areas.
2)A bundle of marijuana that you can smoke in a joint or in a pipe.
3)A flower before it's fully bloomed.
4) A shorter name for Bud Light beer.

1) Patrick:Hey, hows it going bud! How've ya been?
Ragan:Pretty good, eh! Just going to the hockey game with my bud, Mackenzie.
2)Carl:Hey man, wanna come to my place after school, I just got a couple bud's from Squiggles and I was gunna smoke 'em.
Fraser: Why not, eh?
3)Alice:I can't believe this! It's been three weeks and my tulips are still buds!
Cathy:Don't worry, they'll come around sooner or later.
4)Alanna: Hey Kenneth! Will you toss me a bud! I'm almost empty.
Kenneth: Sure thing babe, just give me a minute, I gotta finish taping my stick.

by aswizzle October 19, 2010

182πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


slang term for marijuana

hey dude, lets smoke... you got any buds on you?

by sara January 5, 2003

386πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž