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To 'burst' someone is to shoot someone.
The famous example of the word 'burst' being used in this context was in the Megaman (of so solid crew) murder case when a witness claimed he heard megaman telling a friend he was going to 'burst' someone who had disrespected him.

Clarke: yo blud this new Take That tune is off da hizzle fo shizzle
Matt: Bumbaclot, if me hear u say that again i'll burst yo' b*tch ass.

Jonny V - some bredrin stepped to my brother yesterday!
Matt - lets burst that wasteman!

by Jack Da Rippa May 15, 2008

55πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


When you make someone burst it means giving them a compliment that’s so good they spasm.

Also could be , bursting, or bursted.

Most people really love to burst and get bursted

julia made cameron burst

Janice: Please
Karen: No that’s weird
Janice: Just let me do it karen
Karen: fine janice just make it quick
Janice: *licks eyeball*


by peytonisburstingrightnow October 22, 2017

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Northern English vernacular meaning 'to urinate'.

I won't be a minute, just going for a quick burst.

by Skylar K. Write July 11, 2006

44πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


text message or texting

I shot out a burst from my cell letting the boys know I was off work and ready for the details for the evening's festivities.

by fruitybat June 22, 2009

33πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


meaning "thats crazy" or "stupid"

Person A- Oh my god, check out these barney tapes i just got!

Person B- Burst.

by Tiffany & Amira May 11, 2005

27πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


When a group has inhaled or ingested marijuana the noise level spikes significantly up and decreases sequentially as the conversations continue.

"Oh! that place over there!"
"that place!"
"oh ya that place"
"hey, hey, that was one of the bursts"

by jingtau February 19, 2010

18πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Intense immediate brain dump of deep content (Burst) transferred fast. Need someone to give you a file on a USB device – β€œhey burst me that file”. Relates to both wireless and hardware transfers. Being able to Burst concentrated information that is fully interactive means you always know the right stuff at the right time. Example: walk into a hotel and get a β€œBurst” of content specific to your needs β€œBursted” to your phone, portable device, or IPOD. Interactive or GPRS maps, top 10 restaurants with reviews, directions and phone numbers, event listings, attractions, allowing you complete control over your.

Hey,burst that file on my smart stick

I need a burst of JT latest concert tour and video

by Doug White October 12, 2006

13πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž