To bust someone's chops (nonliteral meaning) is to say or do something that interferes with someone's line of expertise or leadership in something. Chops = skills or simply a person's line of action, especially at the moment; and busting = to stop something or interfere with something.
You always gotta bust my chops with some stupid remark during the TPS report meetings!
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chops refers to the musicians mouth muscles
when playing for extended periods of time, our muscles get weaker to the point where when playing we cannot sound slay
I shouldn’t have practiced so much before concert, I busted my chops!
After playing pomp and circumstance for ten minutes I hardcore busted my chops.
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Asking a question to which you already know the answer.
Deanne, we went over this last week. Quit busting my chops!
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When you are a small time drug dealer and have to make sales on foot.....
person 1: what are you up to tonight?
person 2: Oh so and so called me I have to go bust some chops.
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