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bye bye box

A box u put in after not eating din din

Dave was put in the bye bye box

by Thegaycummieboi February 16, 2018

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Bye-bye arm

When one waves hello or goodbye, the fat on their arm may appear to flap in a waving matter as well. Most commonly seen on obese people and mothers.

Soccer mom: "Have fun at soccer, Jimmy! I love you!"

Jimmy: "Okay mom, I love you too!"

Friends: "Man. Jimmy, your mom has some serious bye-bye arm."

by Nosredna Ekul August 5, 2009

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Bye bye Singapore

Bye bye Singapore

Bye bye Singapore

by syafinaz? October 5, 2023

bye bye birdie

Old school for sayonara (Good Bye)

Also the title of a 1960's musical

Biff - "She's 90 days past due on this account"

George - "Give her 30 more days and then its bye bye birdie"

by chrisking5150 December 3, 2010

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Bye Bye Arms

the back of your upper arms that keep swinging after your doe waving good bye becuase they are so fat & n muscle is there

"I hate My Bye Bye Arms"

by Liz March 27, 2004

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bye bye man

don't think it, don't say it.

"oh no! it's the bye bye man!"

by steeeeeeeevin January 18, 2017

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Go Bye Bye

to delete someone

I made Harrison go bye bye

by Worst Meanings On This Websit August 22, 2019

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