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Female Version of a Chav
British Version for Prep

How they act:
bitchy, slutty, mean, judgmental, tight nit (only friends with other chavettes), picks on others they deem unworthy of being polite to merely for their own amusement, think they are all that and that they can beat you up, bubble heads, not to much going on upstairs (stupid), smokes and drinks, not creative, sheep (fallows the queen chavette), fallows trends of all kinds, no regard for how others feel, and rude.

What they look like (how to spot one):
Blonde, pink and white every where, sports wear or anything from the GAP, track suits for every day wear, wears only the best clothes or knock-offs of the best clothes, Low cut shirts and high cut shorts and skirts, huge hoop earrings (we are talking huge! So big that they touch the shoulders), lots and lots of jewelry (mostly gold looking), gold chain necklaces, cake face make up in pastel colors with lots of gloss and glam, Visors and base ball caps (usually white or pink), foot wear is either trainer white sneakers, flip-flops/sandals (in pink), or high heels (even on a casual day). Large sunglasses (covers entire upper face), face lift and plastic surgery (when in their teens) pushing a stroller, and lastly; she’s waving her middle finger at you.
Most of the above isn’t just one thing, it’s mostly a combo of one or more things, just because you see some one with huge sunglasses in a track suit doesn’t mean they are a chavette. Though if they also have blonde, hair huge hoop earrings and their CD player is blasting R & B, the chances are fairly big that you’re in the presence of chavette royalty.

What they listen to:
R & B, Rap, pop, hip hop, 50 cent, Dance music, Timothy Westwood. This music has quite misogynistic lyrics and is therefore is not usually liked by the female chavsters. Chavettes usually listen to whatever Diva happens to be in the top10 at the present time.

How they talk:
”chhhh u cheeeky bassterd, garantted u is a chain wearin, goff bashin, roll up
blitzer from new east basingstoke and u aint got sh!t to do apart from
reakon ur all dat wiv ur bad boi slip knott hoody and ur nose piercing, if
me and da girrlz saw u down south london town we would see fit to smack u up
and leave u lyin der in ur rude boi leather jacket and ur nutta 10ft chains
along wid ur hench drum rollup.”
Notice the poor spelling of a 5 year old, bad grammar lack of punctuation, it is all just one continuous sentence, and not to mention the fact you can’t understand any of it.
Translation: “Hey you cheeky bastard, guarantied that you wear chains, insult Goths, have a bad car and are from New East Basingstoke. You do not have anything to do apart from smelling bad with your bad-boy slip knot hoody and your nose piercing. If me and my friends saw you in south London we would see it fit to beat you up and leave you lying there in your rude leather jacket and your crazy 10ft chains along with your bad car.”
Even after translation some of the sentence structure still doesn’t make sense.

Chavette: chaaaa wot u doin wif dem bookks u tink ur so smartie for reedin y don u jus cum hav a drink wif me an my girlz insted.
Average Joe: Come again?

by Dark_Whisper August 11, 2005

762👍 326👎


Basically, the female version of a chav. The chavette will have at least 5 of the following characteristics; gold hoop earrings big enough for a parrot to sit on; pink/blue velour tracksuit; white trainers/stilettos; burbery anything; fag in hand; "Croydon Facelift" caused by pulling her hair into a ponytail so tightly that it stretches her face; caked on makeup; sullen look; upraised middle finger; low slung jeans; pushchair and baby.

All chavettes, regardless of weight, will be wearing their clothes at least 2 sizes too small. They will wear their tracksuit bottoms and low slung jeans in such a way that their huge gut/pregnant bump is exposed and when they bend over, their thong.

The chavette will be pregnant with her first child before she reaches 5th year; the father may or may not hang around. Some chavettes can have around 5 kids with different fathers. They will still believe that having sex while standing up will ensure that they don't get pregnant and will insist on keeping the hapless baby to ensure that they get a council house. The chavette will also be seen slapping her kids around the head and swearing at them in public.

Chavette: (to kid) Shut the fuck up, Darren!

by I Am Deth June 15, 2006

150👍 56👎


The female Chav will, by the time she is nine years of age have realised what she wants to do with the rest of her life. Which is, to have at least four children by four different fathers (one who will be black or Asian) by the time she is 18. She does not intend to support these children herself or ask for the fathers of the children for support but instead rely on government hand outs. A Chavette will tattoo the names of her children on her body with pride of place going to her first born. This will be written across her back just above her arse. The following names of her offspring will be recorded on her arms and will consist of names like Britney, Chelsea and other such shit.
The Chavette will no doubt have her ears pierced as many times as humanly possible and her lobes crammed to capacity with large hoop earrings. Around her neck will at least 6 or 7 gold chains of different lengths with a large clown studded with semi precious hanging on the longest one reaching down to her naval.

Diet for herself and her children consists of sausage rolls, Greggs pasties, cigarettes, coke and cheep cider.
Her Children will by the time of their forth birthday will fully versed in every expletive and curse known in the English language and will indeed be asked to recite some colourful quips to the delight of its mothers peers i.e. pusher, pimp, fellow drug user.

The chavette will be a grandmother by the time she is in her mid twenties and the wonderful Chav life cycle will start all over again.

Dont hang your washing on the line that fucking robbing Chavette bitch is on the prowl.

by Subbaka October 12, 2006

256👍 107👎


chavettes wear too much jewelry and it quite often isnt real.they wear tracksuits in bright colours and when they dress up it looks worse.they are either really skinny or really fat.they wear way too much foundation and make up.tidemarks/tidelines are usual they seem uneducated and cant spell.wear caps at fucktardedangles.they always wear shitty trainers/flipflops/sandals(used to wear rockports and timberlands) often seen with overhang/hangovers(not the alcohol related one)fair point they babies are not always theirs but like the jewelry,quite often are also common is lots of piercings on the outer part of the ear navel peircings and nose (only on the sides)thick as plasticine

here is an entry that has been corrected (in brackets)
a chavette is a female chav (a)nd not al(l) chavettes are thick(smart) (be)cause i am a chavette and i am quite smart (thick), chavettes dont waer (wear)fake jew(e)lry its all real and most of the baby(ie)s they are seen to cart around ar(e)nt usually theirs ne(any) way. Their languadge(language) is jus(t) shortened words(sounds/nonsense)

by Alysee August 22, 2006

37👍 12👎


The chavette is a female chav, they are very promiscuous often seen hanging around in groups of up to 10 in the local park or near the off license or bus shelter, sporting a very short skirt and a low cut top with some fake logo that ever so slightly resembles that of a more well known one and sometimes a fake logo baseball cap and some plastic gold "bling", trying to attract "fit bois" and acquire the ultimate chavette fashion accessory, a baby, or "babby". A Chavette's lifestyle choices often include (childcare permitting) a college course in hairdressing, beauty therapy, or although very rare, a music course where they can "lay some shit down" in other words talk very fast into a mic. Chavettes also hate moshers, rockers, punks and anyone who is not a chav or townie. Chavette music choices often include rave, dance, house, rap, hip hop, r&b ect.
Chavette - oi goffik ya sweaty twat ma bruvva's gonna kick ya head in ya get me.

Goth - That's if he's not still grounded lol

Chavette - oi oi don't ya dis ma bruvva ya mosha scum, Ya mumma stinks

Goth - your broher is not here lol, but my mates are... (10 goths walk over towards chavette)

Chavette - please don't hurt me yo, respect ma and i'll respect ya

Goth - goths creep closer

Chavette - (begins to cry), I want ma mumma yo, and runs off.

by Delirious llama January 3, 2007

40👍 14👎


A chavette is the most common clique there is.They can usually be found in big groups.They are very shallow and air headed.They are scared of everything that is different and anyone that confronts them automatically becomes a goth or emo.Or as chavettes call them gofs.
They normally wear gold earings,extremely short skirts,crop tops,there hair plastered to the side of there face(with gel),loads of lip gloss.And chavs (the boy version) wear track suits.

Chavette:Oi u gof *looks at girl* wat did u say bout me yesturday?U tryin to slag me off or somethin?

Girl:Umm...exscuse me.Who are you?

by lizzie.g February 12, 2008

24👍 7👎


chavette's are the female vesion of a chav. they are simple to spot,you will probably hear them before you see them.
they are normally 14 year old girls, often from council estates, hanging around outside macdonalds. they wear designer, or knock off designer clothing, track suit bottoms, mini skirts, so much jewlery its amazing they can even lift the middle finger they frequently air to passers by. hoop earrings so big you can put a parrot on it and a 'croydon facelift'; hair so tightly pulled back their eyebrows *whats left after excessive plucking* reach their hairline.
they will have a pram, possibly not their own child as it is a fashionable acsessory to have, little brothers/sisters/cousins etc will suffice until they can have their own, usually through a drunken fumble with another chav

chav girl 1: darren done got me up the duff innit? he sez he aint gunna stick by it and i'm all like, pssh, forget you man, i aint needing no man to brin' up dis kid you get me?
chav girl2: yeah yeah, fo sho innit? he aint no ting anyway innit?

( innocent passer by looks in bewilderment at the wild screeching coming from outside macdonalds)
chavettes: what you lookin' at? you got a problem wiv me is it? com on den, you fink you alla dat, innit?

by goth_bunny May 17, 2007

20👍 6👎