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Cheese bread. (Alternative to breese)

Q: hi. do you sell chead?
A: do we sell what?
Q: chead. cheese bread
A: dude what kinda glass dick u smokin from callin that chead

by bloww January 28, 2009

20👍 38👎


Pronounced "ched"

Short for Chuckle head. Someone who is a dullard. Most used in a business setting where intelligent technical folks have to deal with brain dead business folks. The pointy haired boss from Dilbert is the perfect example of chead.

I can't believe what those cheads want to do now.

by Slick-e-boy April 30, 2003

14👍 38👎


A long but thin penis.

His cheed won't fit in his pants because it is too long, so instead he tied it in a bow.

by BRi January 31, 2003

13👍 37👎


dried jizz

Ah fuck I forgot to clean up and now I got chead all over me.

by simple_ho March 5, 2022


A person with an abnormally large head, particularly when the person's head is wider than its height. A good rule of thumb is roughly the proportion of Arnold's head from "Hey! Arnold".

This word is slang for "chode-head", because of the width to length ratio.

"Hey dude, have you seen how wide that girl's head is?"
"Really? How wide was her head?"
"Dude, like she has a chead."
"Wow, that's wide."

by MoreThanTwentyCharacters July 3, 2018