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Chunky Dunk

When someone of a rather large exterior (aka fat person) strips down (naked) and goes swimming (once again, naked). A variation of Skinny-Dipping, as when the same occurance takes place, but with skinny people (**cough**anorexia**cough**).

When Kelly Osbourne took a chunky dunk, my eyes burnt right out of their sockets.

by Z-Z July 25, 2006

40πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Chunky Dunk

A term used to describe overweight people swimming naked.

That damn obese cow, you call your girlfriend, can't possibly skinny dip. That whore chunky dunks.

by EEEERYN June 28, 2005

59πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Chunky dunking

Skinny people skinny dip, Fat people chunky dunk.

The fat mexican was chunky dunking

by J. Sabin/ J. Bernier April 5, 2008

35πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

chunky dunking

like skinny dipping but for fat people

husband: wanna go skinny dipping tonight?,

wife(after 3 kids): I'm to fat for that, how about chunky dunking?

by cians mom December 23, 2015

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Synonym for Skinny Dipping. Implies more ample body types among participants.

Hey, you wanna go chunky-dunking in the river tonight?

by TheREALKida August 6, 2022

Chunky Dunk

A man/woman who loves to sleep with heavy men/women to use them for there money

Did you know Andrew is a chunky dunk? Dude that’s messed up.

by Jarl Morvan Shademane December 20, 2017