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A Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Significant Other who doesn't know the definition of "space"

Christina is wayyyy to clingy.

by SucksForYou May 7, 2009

1717πŸ‘ 1016πŸ‘Ž


When a person becomes annoying by always wanting to be around you, talking to you, calling you and just basically suffocating you.

I see why Robert doesn't like Kelly. She won't leave his fuckin' ass alone. What a clingy bitch!

by LIL23K January 8, 2009

2732πŸ‘ 1674πŸ‘Ž


showing or wanting love and affection from someone who isn’t supposed to judge you and is only supposed to love you

Oh my heck Jasmine is so clingy - jasmines friend

Yeah ik she wants my love it’s so cute -jasmines boyfriend

by Kennedy is the best February 15, 2021

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


When your bf/gf always want to be hugged up on you. They never leave your side. All they want to do is just be with you. You are their center of attention

I wish my boyfriend was more clingy, he’s always with his friends

by Ya boi ((: September 27, 2018

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Malachi Thompson

Peyton...i’m sorry i’m clingy or whatever you says but *sigh* ...i love you...*sigh* i’m sorry

by Clinger 2.0 June 18, 2019

37πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


(1) Anything contrary to what a man wants, when he wants it and how he wants it. Mostly used as a term for describing women when dealing with subjects such as emotion or social interaction.

(2) An excuse someone uses because they do not want to give up control or be accountable for their actions/thoughts.

Guy: You want to have a say in how often we hang out? You are so clingy.

Woman: Ok then. Let me know when you've grown up. Bye!

Guy: ......O.o.....

by ModernEraDictionary July 17, 2013

445πŸ‘ 334πŸ‘Ž


Being an annoying girlfriend by being jealous and repeatedly texting her boyfriend asking what he's doing

Meshy "what're you doing"
Aryeh "chilling"
Meshy "with who"
Aryeh "friends"
Meshy "which friends"
Aryeh "stop being clingy"

by Aryeh Hoffman May 26, 2013

391πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž