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Coinage Pwnage

An attempt to enter a new term to Urban Dictionary that is foiled by the discovery that the term already exists.

I tried to add 'coinage pwnage' to Urban Dictionary but a straight-up player beat me to it. Next time I should be more clever.

by jackadoodle March 22, 2011

comfortable coinage

It's important to note that I mistakenly put "nickel and two dimes" where "nickel and two pennies" was clearly what I should have said.

Lesson learned: I am stupid.

by J Monty Rivers December 27, 2003

4👍 1👎

niggardly coinage

The act of being short on money, or being in a tight financial situation that generally could have been avoided by being financially adept. Further, it can also be used when one has little to no liquid funds due to being jumped, a by-product of living in the hood.

Friend: you owe me 5 bucks

You: I've got some niggardly coinage I'll pay you when I don't

Girlfriend: You only got me a ring pop for valentines day?

You: I got some niggardly coinage deal with it ho

by The unhyea March 5, 2021

comfortable coinage

The preferred return of metal coinage for a given transaction to keep one from being bogged down with unfavorable denominations.

As opposed to taking the full 57 cents change from the cashier, Bob opted to leave the nickel and two dimes behind and pocket only the comfortable coinage.

by J Monty Rivers December 27, 2003

2👍 1👎


Term used by Conor Mcgrgeor’s father
Tony Mcgrgeor. Large amounts of coins often to many.

“They had the cheek to give me back coinage when I paid for my ticket

by TomorrowNeverzpronised March 17, 2019


The drinking game of bouncing a coin into a glass half full of beer and choosing who drinks.
house rules :
No pointing with finger has to be elbow
No sliding anything across the table
No taking something directly out of someones hand must be places in-front of player
If coin goes straight over glass last player to put hands in the air loses

"Lets play some coinage"
"No that game gets me hammerfucked"

by GIBMIESTER November 4, 2023


Coinage A New Slang For All Types Of Currency From Coins To Blue Benjamin's.

Them n*ggas broke & penny pinching got no
Coinage to their name!

by reekid505 June 5, 2024