Source Code

Quarantine cool points

Cool points awarded during a quarantine when a radical t-shirt is purchased. For example, If the shirt reads something funny like "My quarantine routine is simple. I wake up and go insane!" then approx. 888 cool points shall be awarded.

888 Quarantine cool points have been awarded to you my friend because that shirt that says "My quarantine routine is simple. I wake up and go insane!".

by Random Dad May 18, 2020

negative infinity cool points

A phrase used to mock someone that is not cool or doesn't have "cool points". (Cool points are entirely made up and based on a number scale dealing with how much someone likes you.)

John: Hey, did you see those girls?
Sean: Wow, they're pretty gay.
John: I know. Negative infinity cool points!

John: Ellie, shut up. Negative cool points for you!
Ellie: ....you have no life....

by Moni-chan13 December 10, 2006

10👍 12👎

the cool points are out the window and I'm all twisted up in the game

We are past the point where we need to impress one another because I have got the feeling for you

in the movie Bringing Down the House

by Slowmo November 10, 2003

730👍 229👎

the cool points are out the window and I'm all twisted up in the game

I love you?

by Anonymous September 14, 2003

190👍 127👎

the cool points are out and i'm all twisted up in your game

ey come on ain't no one seen bringing down the house?
it means i love you

~the cool points are out and im all twisted up in your game.
~aww kevin dat's da sweetest thing anyone has ever told me

by sandra January 20, 2004

46👍 69👎