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cracker, redneck and honky

That mofos a cronky. Whatchu mean? He's a cracker, redneck and honky.

by Rumpled4skin February 28, 2021


Cronky=Cracker Honky

I can't stand that motherfucking Cronky over there.

by Heavens777 August 5, 2023


Crackers and Honkies

You know, I am getting sick and tired of these fake cronkies and their supremacy feelings that they show.

by Heavens777 August 27, 2023


Horrible, rubbish, not nice

Mummy, I don't want to eat my dinner as it's cronky
I don't like my coat, it's cronky

by Citygirl2810 December 9, 2018


Something ratchet and nasty/gross

Emma-Look at her outfit its so cronky

Stacy -Ikr she looks like trash

by Coochigang April 7, 2020


Slang used to described something as being sickly, depressing and painful in the early 1980s .

The word is thought to have originated from the Old Dutch word "cranc" meaning "weak", where the German word kränken ("To make ill") comes from. Historians believe that British soldiers during World War I started using the word Cronky to refer to the rations they were given in the trenches which later was rediscovered briefly in the 1980s after being used in an episode of "King of the Ghetto".

I'm finding this soup is making me feel cronky.
Will you please excuse my partner Shawn, lately he's been cronking up the whole room.

by Gerald von Roth-Meyer May 9, 2023


Blend of honky + cracker.

I'll be damned if some white-ass cronky comes in slingin' the n-word left and right.

by L. G. Flavopalliatus February 23, 2025