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A mixture between Cunt & Cuck being put together.
Which means the person is an utter fuck

U are a fucking cunck for shooting my tires out

by Mr Kappa November 25, 2016


cunck (noun) | Pronunciation: /kʌŋk/

A cunck is a self-important fraud in the occult community—a grifter who postures as a sorcerous authority but is really a clout-chasing, ego-fragile parasite. They ghost students (unless they boost their status), abandon real wisdom for political LARPing, and name-drop occult VIPs instead of practicing magic.

They don’t practice magic—they practice PayPal.

A cunck will sell $600 Phurba sorcery one week, rebrand Solomonic grimoire scraps the next, and trade Goetic demon names like Pokémon cards—because if it sells, they’re “initiated.” Every sacred tradition becomes a PayPal-enabled hustle, stitched into an ever-expanding LinkedIn résumé of fake authority.

"Stonewalling and refusing to help after giving your word to a decade long multi-course customer that you would is peak cunck behavior."

"A true cunck doesn’t just sell a course—he sells three, cleverly hidden behind the first one, because, get it? It’s a three-faced goddess, so multiply the profits by three! Paypal be praised!"

"A cunck will promise to restore your course access, swear up and down they’ll make it right, then ghost you entirely—because a cunck is always too busy ranting about Orange Hitler and the evils of populism while counting his tarot deck collection and slinging cards for clicks to keep his word."

by Cunck Watch February 26, 2025


A basic white girl, usually has a lot of daddy’s money and drives a new jeep (that will probably be crashed within the month)

This cuncks skin is practically orange

by Fact speaker l February 11, 2022