Source Code

Death in custody

What happens to black people after they've been arrested by the metropolitan police but even when an inquest records a verdict of unlawful killing, no policemen are ever convicted (because criminal charges are assesed based on evidence gathered by, you've guessed it...the police!)

'sarge, I just beat a nigger to death in the cells. But he had it coming, he was giving me lip. Or he would have done if I hadn't hit him first, you know what they are like'

'don't worry son, I'll have to gather the evidence myself and of course i won't find any *wink wink* and of course there were no witnesses in this busy police station were there'

by Ben Dover of the Yard April 23, 2004

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Joint Custody

When one nigga wont pass the joint to the other nigga...

Nah Nigga, I got joint custody!

by TiiingTiiing April 9, 2010

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Chain of custody

When a man ejaculates in a woman's mouth, and the woman passes the semen from her mouth to the woman's mouth sitting next to her. Usually this must be done at least 4 times before a true chain of custody has been established.

Jon: "Who has the chain of custody now?"
Brant:"I can't tell, all of their mouths are closed."

by Sebastion Pico May 9, 2006

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Facebook Custody

The division of friends on Facebook when a couple ceases to be together i.e. divorce, break up etc.

"Hey, Michelle un-friended me on Facebook, but Ricky is still my friend. Didn't they just split up?"
"Yo, Ricky got Facebook Custody of you dawg."

by Churchbus August 22, 2011

custodies news

a news network on astra memecus witch is 100% true all the time. dont mind his action or what fake or real. just see the news. fake news what that its just a great news network

damm i just saw custodies news it's so real

by custodiesbased December 2, 2021

Custodial rape

Rape of a Minors by a parent

She gets custodial rape by her dad every day!

by 459395 March 5, 2022

Joint custody

When you've had a bad day and bust into your stoner friend's house and snatch the joint from his or her hand you are then said to have joint custody.

Who's got joint custody now??!

by Farle77 June 27, 2010

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