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There better be a dead body

This Phrase is used to describe a common event that is often boring, but in hopes the event is because of an exciting reason which would cause it to be an exciting event.

In the case of a School Assembly, "There better be a Dead Body!" Says Byakuya Togami as he heads to the Assembly.

by Ultimate Detective October 8, 2015

Dead body reported

Dead body reported is used when a player in the right now popular game Among us finds a dead body wich has been killed by the Impostor, its also used as a meme whenever someone gets roasted hard.

Person 1: Words can’t describe how ugly you are.

Person 2: Words can’t describe how beautiful you are.

Person 1: Aww thx!

Person 2: Numbers can, 3/10


by The neighbor kid September 11, 2020

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dead body krew

it is a type of blood street gang in minnesota the dead body krew is the hardest gang around the midwest to get in you have to be a juggalo and can be trusted with Anything the dead body krew dont care if your dead or alive so go fuck yourself

Eddie,alex and sean are in the dead body krew.

by tj procter February 25, 2008

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create dead bodies

To kill.

a: you're a bad boy yardie, you're supposed to know how to get rid of bodies

b: no, bad boy yardies know how to create dead bodies.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 1, 2004

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over my dead body

This phrase is a verbal objection to a proposed action, claiming that the author/speaker is willing to fight with every ounce of their life to prevent the action.

You want to take my kids away from me? Over my dead body!

*whips out a shotgun*

by Gumba Gumba April 14, 2004

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over my dead body

you won't be able to do it if I am alive to prevent you

Your going to give in to peer pressure? Over my dead body.

by Light Joker December 16, 2005

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Over my dead body

If you say something happens over your dead body, you mean that you will stop at nothing to prevent it from happening.

John: i wana bang your sister, honey!

Wife: (pissed) over my dead body, remf!

John: (thinks) well, I couldn't have described your body better...

by Macho--man July 27, 2010

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