When coders debug other programmer's or lame students code over the phone! or trouble shoot a computer problem.
A: What is Mac up-to?
B: He is phone-time debugging Alex.
Reverse debugging is the process of trying to understand how someone successfully debugged a program you couldn't
- How did this guy manage to make my program work?
- I don't know, let's use reverse debugging to find out.
Just like the term Rubber duck debugging, which is in software engineering, a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many other terms exist for this technique, often involving different inanimate objects.
The "coffee mug debugging" is the same method of debugging code with which developers force themselves to read and explain their code line-by-line, to the coffee mug. There are developers who calls this planted plot debugging as well. But "coffee mug debugging" seems more convenient at this century since it's easy to find a coffee mug for a developer than a "rubber duck" or "planted plot".
I had done coffee mug debugging for my dart code in flutter and found out a syntax error and fixed it.
Debugging JavaScript code using alert statements to determine flow of control and inspect variables.
My browser doesn't have a JavaScript debugger so I have to resort to alert oriented debugging.
Checking your code to see what the hell is going wrong.
It is being the detective at your own murder, except you don't know how the hell it happened.
I was debugging for 5 weeks straight.
The process of mentally smashing one's keyboard against the monitor while desperately trying to have a logical conversation with a computer over and over again but utterly failing every time.
Person 0: Yo dude, have you fixed your code yet?
Person 1: No, I haven't. I've been debugging for the past few hours but I still have no idea why it isn't working.
Screaming at a computer until it works.
The programmer was debugging their code.